Jar help

first time poster here looking for some tips.
How many days should I dry before I start to jar?
How often and long should I burb the jars?
How long should I do this for and should the duration change for the lid being off?

valley grower

Active Member
jar them after u can break the stems burp atleast 2 times a day for a couple seconds if u start to see a little moisture start burping more often and leaving lid off longer
jar them after u can break the stems burp atleast 2 times a day for a couple seconds if u start to see a little moisture start burping more often and leaving lid off longer
Thanks for dropping knowledge, wow them boobs are massive. Makes me sad my girl just got a reduction, fml.

valley grower

Active Member
this is my first year growing and i was really suprised how the jars help the mj mine keep getting stronger by the day