January 6th, 2021

Warnings coming out of Israel that Bibi might try a January 6th style coup.

Yikes. Found this:

So...one of the groups are Arab-Islamists? Not Arab-Islamic, but Arab-Islamists? Islamists are dictator loving assholes wanting to use physical violence to force their backwards redneck hate filled version of Islam. They'd be better off with Bibi in there.
Netanyahu says that the new government, "if formed," will represent "a fraud against the public. The biggest election fraud, maybe, in history."
Netanyahu says that the new government, "if formed," will represent "a fraud against the public. The biggest election fraud, maybe, in history."
Politicians facing prison time are very dangerous things, that's what drove much of Trump's desperation. He wanted to lose the election to Clinton remember, that was the plan, but with the help of the Russians he fucked that up too and was then trapped in an all or nothing situation. This idea of not being able to accept a loss was just another layer of deception, he knew that if he lost before he could run out the statute of limitations, he would end up in prison.

I'm sure he is pleasantly surprised by the lax attitude of the Biden administration in prosecuting him for his many federal crimes. They are just letting NY state do the dirty work so Trump can't say the new administration is persecuting him, even though he will. I think they want Trump's focus to be on the republicans and not on Biden and the democrats, he will blame them for insufficient loyalty for not storming the courthouse in NY.
Honoré And Figliuzzi Break Down Jan. 6 Report Findings, Urge Reform

Former FBI Assistant Director Frank Figliuzzi, former Commander of Joint Task Force-Katrina Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré, and NBC's Ken Dilanian and Garrett Haake joined Stephanie Ruhle to break down the findings of the Senate's new bipartisan report probing the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. Honoré and Figliuzzi warn that there must be substantial intelligence reforms to prevent a similar attack from happening again in the future.
White Supremacists Are 'rebranding' After The Capitol Riot

Hundreds have been charged in the January 6th insurrection, including 16 members of the far-right Oath Keepers militia and over two dozen of the Proud Boys. But “Hatemonger” author Jean Guerrero warns not to expect a decline in extremist groups. She shares how Republicans have helped mainstream white supremacy.
White Supremacists Are 'rebranding' After The Capitol Riot

Hundreds have been charged in the January 6th insurrection, including 16 members of the far-right Oath Keepers militia and over two dozen of the Proud Boys. But “Hatemonger” author Jean Guerrero warns not to expect a decline in extremist groups. She shares how Republicans have helped mainstream white supremacy.

Something I wonder is, how much of this is really new and how much is just because people generally exist "in the now"..? I've got to imagine that after the civil rights movement, there must have been racist flareups for a few years here and there as legislation attempted to force fairness, and we know how much whites love being forced to be fair. It seems like there's just no way it's been smooth sailing for 60 years and then there's a big blowup now. In the last thirty years, I can't personally recall a period of racial conflict, beyond maybe Rodney King, but even then seemed very different, in that, I don't recall much of an opposing view. It was shitty and that was that, but at the same time, my awareness of social issues back then was terrible. Anyway, the reason why I'm curious about this is, what did it take in the past for the hate fueled rednecks to chill the fk out?
Something I wonder is, how much of this is really new and how much is just because people generally exist "in the now"..? I've got to imagine that after the civil rights movement, there must have been racist flareups for a few years here and there as legislation attempted to force fairness, and we know how much whites love being forced to be fair. It seems like there's just no way it's been smooth sailing for 60 years and then there's a big blowup now. In the last thirty years, I can't personally recall a period of racial conflict, beyond maybe Rodney King, but even then seemed very different, in that, I don't recall much of an opposing view. It was shitty and that was that, but at the same time, my awareness of social issues back then was terrible. Anyway, the reason why I'm curious about this is, what did it take in the past for the hate fueled rednecks to chill the fk out?
It is a time of political polarization in America, all of the racists are now in one party without any moderating influences. The republican party is under the control of the most extremist elements of the base and lead by unprincipled con artists who only want power, or to avoid prison. As long as the racists were in both parties they could compromise with bipartisanship, those days are over now, black people and other minorities are very strong in the democratic party, nobody is gonna throw them under the bus any more.

The white racist republicans know this is Armageddon for them, the final battle for white supremacy, if they lose there will be no going back. They are at civil war with America and have been since Obama became president, that was the trigger moment for many, that was when they realized, "They is taken over"! The republicans were trending racist for a long time and after Obama, they went off the deep end. When Trump came along blowing the dog whistle through a bullhorn, it was love at first sight. Donald led the republican base with the dog whistle like the pied piper lead the rats out of town.

They knew that Donald could give them what they really wanted, genocide, a final solution to the black and brown "problem" in America. That's the logical end of the road for them, if some people are the "problem", then get rid of the people, to get rid of the problem and make America White. Donald needed to get rid of the constitution and democracy in America to avoid prison and the base needs the same to achieve their ends. The republicans are auto selecting sociopaths for leadership roles now, no normal person could run and win their nominations now, only an extremist. To be a republican these days means ignoring reality completely and believing the most transparent bullshit imaginable. This requires very strong "feelings" of fear and hate and/or an unstable mental state, perhaps both. The republicans are more like a cult and tribe these days and not like a political party, parties are about policies, these clowns are about something else entirely.
It is a time of political polarization in America, all of the racists are now in one party without any moderating influences. The republican party is under the control of the most extremist elements of the base and lead by unprincipled con artists who only want power, or to avoid prison. As long as the racists were in both parties they could compromise with bipartisanship, those days are over now, black people and other minorities are very strong in the democratic party, nobody is gonna throw them under the bus any more.

I don't know that I'd paint such a binary picture. Trump gained black voters in 2020. We forget how conservative black folks can be. I did find this:

Which I think would show 2020 continuing the same trend since 2008. It shows more people leaving their red/blue party affiliation, but of those that leave, that group leans more red.

The white racist republicans know this is Armageddon for them, the final battle for white supremacy, if they lose there will be no going back. They are at civil war with America and have been since Obama became president, that was the trigger moment for many, that was when they realized, "They is taken over"! The republicans were trending racist for a long time and after Obama, they went off the deep end. When Trump came along blowing the dog whistle through a bullhorn, it was love at first sight. Donald led the republican base with the dog whistle like the pied piper lead the rats out of town.

This is why the left should have embraced law enforcement, especially after 1/6. They haven't done that at all. It's a missed opportunity that could cost us the country. With law enforcement being predominantly right and with about half the the right being completely crazy, and with the left telling them they're pieces of shit everyday, who are you really fighting for at that point? They'd just fold and assimilate with the heavily armed people that have had their back on the job.

They knew that Donald could give them what they really wanted, genocide, a final solution to the black and brown "problem" in America. That's the logical end of the road for them, if some people are the "problem", then get rid of the people, to get rid of the problem and make America White. Donald needed to get rid of the constitution and democracy in America to avoid prison and the base needs the same to achieve their ends. The republicans are auto selecting sociopaths for leadership roles now, no normal person could run and win their nominations now, only an extremist. To be a republican these days means ignoring reality completely and believing the most transparent bullshit imaginable. This requires very strong "feelings" of fear and hate and/or an unstable mental state, perhaps both. The republicans are more like a cult and tribe these days and not like a political party, parties are about policies, these clowns are about something else entirely.

That always is the end game, get rid of everyone that doesn't look and/or think like me. Most of the world would be on the left's side with any type of infighting, but with a bunch of crazy rednecks in charge of military branches, their hands would be tied. Then again, at that point it'd be like the nazi's all over again and you know that any group of crazy nationalists are never satisfied keeping to themselves. Easy to slippery slope our way into global chaos.
I don't know that I'd paint such a binary picture. Trump gained black voters in 2020. We forget how conservative black folks can be. I did find this:

Which I think would show 2020 continuing the same trend since 2008. It shows more people leaving their red/blue party affiliation, but of those that leave, that group leans more red.

This is why the left should have embraced law enforcement, especially after 1/6. They haven't done that at all. It's a missed opportunity that could cost us the country. With law enforcement being predominantly right and with about half the the right being completely crazy, and with the left telling them they're pieces of shit everyday, who are you really fighting for at that point? They'd just fold and assimilate with the heavily armed people that have had their back on the job.

That always is the end game, get rid of everyone that doesn't look and/or think like me. Most of the world would be on the left's side with any type of infighting, but with a bunch of crazy rednecks in charge of military branches, their hands would be tied. Then again, at that point it'd be like the nazi's all over again and you know that any group of crazy nationalists are never satisfied keeping to themselves. Easy to slippery slope our way into global chaos.
The choice for black people (and all minorities) in America is stark, the GOP is a political wing of the KKK now! Racism is the cement that holds the republicans together, if it wasn't for fear and the resultant hate, they would break apart and scatter to the four directions like from the tower of Babble. The greed driven one way the lunatics another and the hardcore racists still another, the whiteness unites them and it's regional and rural core speaks to this as well.

There are a small number of black republicans, but their number corresponds to the rate of mental illness and serious self delusion in any group of humans. A higher number of Hispanics are republican too, but many of them self identify as European and white and not Native American.

Hitler never got more than 33% of the popular vote in the 1933 German election. How much of the popular vote did Trump get? The Nazi's never had near the number of seats in the Reichstag as the republicans have in Congress, the senate is tied and the house is only a few seats short on the republican side. Trump has no organization, no sense and no brain, if he had a modicum of any talent, he would be president now, the election was his to lose and he did. The republicans just need a little lipstick on the pig the next time around and it will be game over with this and the next crop of republicans gaining power.
The choice for black people (and all minorities) in America is stark, the GOP is a political wing of the KKK now! Racism is the cement that holds the republicans together, if it wasn't for fear and the resultant hate, they would break apart and scatter to the four directions like from the tower of Babble. The greed driven one way the lunatics another and the hardcore racists still another, the whiteness unites them and it's regional and rural core speaks to this as well.

There are a small number of black republicans, but their number corresponds to the rate of mental illness and serious self delusion in any group of humans. A higher number of Hispanics are republican too, but many of them self identify as European and white and not Native American.

Hitler never got more than 33% of the popular vote in the 1933 German election. How much of the popular vote did Trump get? The Nazi's never had near the number of seats in the Reichstag as the republicans have in Congress, the senate is tied and the house is only a few seats short on the republican side. Trump has no organization, no sense and no brain, if he had a modicum of any talent, he would be president now, the election was his to lose and he did. The republicans just need a little lipstick on the pig the next time around and it will be game over with this and the next crop of republicans gaining power.

I think you have results from 1932 mixed up with the 1933 election. Hitler got 43% of the vote not very different from Trump's 46% in 2020. But, yeah, agree with your premise. Put GOP back in power and they will end the US as a democratic republic.

Per wikipedia:

Despite achieving a much better result than in the November 1932 election, the Nazis did not do as well as Hitler had hoped. In spite of massive violence and voter intimidation,[1][2] the Nazis won only 43.9% of the vote, rather than the majority that he had expected.

Then there was the Reichstag fire, the emergency powers given to then-chancellor Hitler, the arrest of Hitler's opposition in the Reichstag and finally, his being granted dictatorial powers by the rump legislature, which sealed the fates of hundreds of millions of people in the decade to come.

Hitler "only" got 43% of the vote in 1933 even with 50,000 poll watchers like the one to the right in the picture:


Note the police officer on the left. Reminds me of Portland Police and Proud Boys last summer. There are many echoes from the past in today's drama. The current round of voter suppression laws include more partisan poll watchers empowered to interfere with the election and ahead of the election, they will have the power to challenge the rights of others to vote without giving good reasons for the challenge.
I think you have results from 1932 mixed up with the 1933 election. Hitler got 43% of the vote not very different from Trump's 46% in 2020. But, yeah, agree with your premise. Put GOP back in power and they will end the US as a democratic republic.

Per wikipedia:

Despite achieving a much better result than in the November 1932 election, the Nazis did not do as well as Hitler had hoped. In spite of massive violence and voter intimidation,[1][2] the Nazis won only 43.9% of the vote, rather than the majority that he had expected.

Then there was the Reichstag fire, the emergency powers given to then-chancellor Hitler, the arrest of Hitler's opposition in the Reichstag and finally, his being granted dictatorial powers by the rump legislature, which sealed the fates of hundreds of millions of people in the decade to come.

Hitler "only" got 43% of the vote in 1933 even with 50,000 poll watchers like the one to the right in the picture:

View attachment 4919642

Note the police officer on the left. Reminds me of Portland Police and Proud Boys last summer. There are many echoes from the past in today's drama. The current round of voter suppression laws include more partisan poll watchers empowered to interfere with the election and ahead of the election, they will have the power to challenge the rights of others to vote without giving good reasons for the challenge.
The force driving this shit is globalization, mass mixing of cultures, multiculturalism, transport and communications technologies. In America these propensities were seeded and amplified by existing historical racism and civil war and are now combined with xenophobia and other bigotries. You are seeing a tribalization backlash in many European cultures too like France, Holland, Germany, and Sweden as well as the UK. In American it's built on top of historical bullshit and amplified by the fact that the majority of new immigrants are not white and won't be. America needs immigrants to maintain population levels as does almost every affluent country with female emancipation and empowerment.
I think you have results from 1932 mixed up with the 1933 election. Hitler got 43% of the vote not very different from Trump's 46% in 2020. But, yeah, agree with your premise. Put GOP back in power and they will end the US as a democratic republic.

Per wikipedia:

Despite achieving a much better result than in the November 1932 election, the Nazis did not do as well as Hitler had hoped. In spite of massive violence and voter intimidation,[1][2] the Nazis won only 43.9% of the vote, rather than the majority that he had expected.

Then there was the Reichstag fire, the emergency powers given to then-chancellor Hitler, the arrest of Hitler's opposition in the Reichstag and finally, his being granted dictatorial powers by the rump legislature, which sealed the fates of hundreds of millions of people in the decade to come.

Hitler "only" got 43% of the vote in 1933 even with 50,000 poll watchers like the one to the right in the picture:

View attachment 4919642

Note the police officer on the left. Reminds me of Portland Police and Proud Boys last summer. There are many echoes from the past in today's drama. The current round of voter suppression laws include more partisan poll watchers empowered to interfere with the election and ahead of the election, they will have the power to challenge the rights of others to vote without giving good reasons for the challenge.
I also stand corrected, just writing from memory, not referencing, it's just a weed forum! :lol:
Something I wonder is, how much of this is really new and how much is just because people generally exist "in the now"..? I've got to imagine that after the civil rights movement, there must have been racist flareups for a few years here and there as legislation attempted to force fairness, and we know how much whites love being forced to be fair. It seems like there's just no way it's been smooth sailing for 60 years and then there's a big blowup now. In the last thirty years, I can't personally recall a period of racial conflict, beyond maybe Rodney King, but even then seemed very different, in that, I don't recall much of an opposing view. It was shitty and that was that, but at the same time, my awareness of social issues back then was terrible. Anyway, the reason why I'm curious about this is, what did it take in the past for the hate fueled rednecks to chill the fk out?
I think it might be worth thinking of the 'flair ups' as when people push back on the unrelenting racist shit.
This is why the left should have embraced law enforcement, especially after 1/6. They haven't done that at all. It's a missed opportunity that could cost us the country. With law enforcement being predominantly right and with about half the the right being completely crazy, and with the left telling them they're pieces of shit everyday, who are you really fighting for at that point? They'd just fold and assimilate with the heavily armed people that have had their back on the job.
I call bullshit on the 'left' trolling.

By 'embrace' do you mean something more than the increases in Biden's budget or the several times you have Democratic politicians in DC and Michigan at least coming out thanking them nonstop? Or do you mean use the cops as a political weapon to beat the shit out of the Republicans who are slowly but surely outing themselves as a complete turds. ?
I also stand corrected, just writing from memory, not referencing, it's just a weed forum! :lol:
Of course. You made a simple mistake about an insignificant but easily verified fact and moved on. You don't get your ego wrapped up in being right all the time like SOME people who post here. And then they continue to dig deeper into the hole they put themselves in.
The force driving this shit is globalization, mass mixing of cultures, multiculturalism, transport and communications technologies. In America these propensities were seeded and amplified by existing historical racism and civil war and are now combined with xenophobia and other bigotries. You are seeing a tribalization backlash in many European cultures too like France, Holland, Germany, and Sweden as well as the UK. In American it's built on top of historical bullshit and amplified by the fact that the majority of new immigrants are not white and won't be. America needs immigrants to maintain population levels as does almost every affluent country with female emancipation and empowerment.
It is interesting how it seems that all at once not just in the US but many countries are dealing with a resurgent right wing authoritarian-nationalist populist movement.
I think it might be worth thinking of the 'flair ups' as when people push back on the unrelenting racist shit.

You're basically saying that what's historically caused the rednecks to chill out, is pushback? Sure doesn't seem to be working this time and they're getting plenty of it.

I call bullshit on the 'left' trolling.

Que? Not trolling. Jan 6th stuff aside, the general reality is that the right gobbles policeman's knobs and the left trashes them for being too harsh. I'm not saying the left's views on police brutality is at all wrong, it's just that maybe the general condemning(which isn't trolling) is going to backfire, if things ever get really ugly. I'm assuming we view Jan 6th as a bad thing, so we should realize that, if not for the police, the capitol would still be smeared with shit and have a bunch of rednecks inside looking to murder people. You kinda need the police to help with those problems. Ask any of them if they feel socially supported by democrat voters and you'll get a pretty resounding "no" across the board.

By 'embrace' do you mean something more than the increases in Biden's budget or the several times you have Democratic politicians in DC and Michigan at least coming out thanking them nonstop? Or do you mean use the cops as a political weapon to beat the shit out of the Republicans who are slowly but surely outing themselves as a complete turds. ?

I mean more like "use the cops..." except I'd rather not think of it as "using them", more like appreciating the fact that, in times like this, their potential willingness to fight the white nationalists, aka republicans and traitorous law enforcement, could very easily be the difference between getting through this somehow and completely losing the nation to modern day nazis.
Que? Not trolling. Jan 6th stuff aside, the general reality is that the right gobbles policeman's knobs and the left trashes them for being too harsh. I'm not saying the left's views on police brutality is at all wrong, it's just that maybe the general condemning(which isn't trolling) is going to backfire, if things ever get really ugly. I'm assuming we view Jan 6th as a bad thing, so we should realize that, if not for the police, the capitol would still be smeared with shit and have a bunch of rednecks inside looking to murder people. You kinda need the police to help with those problems. Ask any of them if they feel socially supported by democrat voters and you'll get a pretty resounding "no" across the board.
There is a big difference between trolls making it seem like the 'left' is attacking police, and reality.

Police are under the same attack as everyone else, but from their own particular angle. They are being trolled and radicalized to think the Democrats are against them.


This is the bullshit trolling I am speaking of.

I mean more like "use the cops..." except I'd rather not think of it as "using them", more like appreciating the fact that, in times like this, their potential willingness to fight the white nationalists, aka republicans and traitorous law enforcement, could very easily be the difference between getting through this somehow and completely losing the nation to modern day nazis.

Absolutely. This is why I hope that they are trying to get our police (who have been sucked into the same attack everyone else in our nation has) deradicalized from their online/tv/hate radio propaganda sources by hopefully waking them up to how they got radicalized by it.

Too many good police are being triggered when they see/hear things like 'Black Lives Matter'.

You're basically saying that what's historically caused the rednecks to chill out, is pushback? Sure doesn't seem to be working this time and they're getting plenty of it.
I really am not sure what I typed or why, it was left over from before and I didn't notice it until afterwards on this part.

And might be a bit lost, so sorry if nothing I wrote makes sense.
I gotcha. No doubt there's a gap between perceived "hating" and actual. Nationwide turmoil doesn't happen overnight, so I hope there are plenty of opportunities to make them aware of where we stand if things get wonky.

Before 1/6 I was definitely in the camp of, "enough of these fkn frat bois", but after 1/6 it's like.....holy shit we really need them.

The capitol feces party opened up a unique opportunity when republican voters turned their hate towards law enforcement, and being that everything they want is fully against the law. I hope we don't blow it.