January 6th, 2021

They are only redacting parts that reveal sources and methods, the real meat of the report will be released, Garland has his reasons and I trust Garland's integrity.

OLC's advice on charging Trump with obstruction came after Barr and Rosenstein talked to OLC

Considering the way that Jackson spoke about this memo, there are good reasons to suspect that the problem goes beyond Barr citing an OLC ruling that he’s already had a hand in crafting. The statement that Barr had been “disingenuous” explicitly addressed the contents of the memo. Jackson also called Barr’s statements concerning the memo “so inconsistent with evidence in the record, they are not worthy of credence.” This certainly suggests that what remains under all that black ink on the memo undermines the idea that this was an airtight case for blocking obstruction charges.

The reasoning in the memo may be consistent with previous OLC statements. It may be contorted beyond all reason. It may reflect a department intentionally shaping its statement to meet a decision that was made long before the Mueller report appeared. We don’t know. And the OLC is continuing to fight against the release of the remaining portion of the memo.

However, there is another source of behind the scenes legal wrangling that may soon provide some illumination. Former White House Counsel Don McGahn has agreed to testify before the House Judiciary Committee next week concerning Trump’s efforts to obstruct the Russia investigation.


According to The New York Times, McGahn’s testimony “was contingent upon there being no active legal challenge to his participation in the matter.” Secondhand reports indicate that Trump first threatened to intervene, then agreed not to intervene. But with testimony a week away, all it would take would be for Trump to hold up a last-minute flag for McGahn to clam up.

The testimony being sought is actually connected to an effort by the Judiciary Committee to call McGahn two years ago. But at the time, McGahn failed to show after Trump instructed him to refuse a congressional subpoena. That refusal spent the last two years in court, with the American public picking up the tab on Trump’s efforts to keep McGahn from speaking. In theory, that means if Trump wanted to block McGahn now he would have to pick up the legal bills himself, but considering McGahn’s statements, it seems that he would likely refuse to testify if Trump so much as raised an objection.

Even if McGahn does appear, it’s unclear how much he will be willing to say, and how much he will claim is covered by either lawyer-client privilege or executive privilege. Like the heavily redacted OLC memo, it seems likely that McGahn will simply confirm what’s already known and hide the rest.

On the other hand, he might also find that it’s harder to fight off subpoenas and lawsuits without being able to use the Department of Justice as a private law firm.
OLC's advice on charging Trump with obstruction came after Barr and Rosenstein talked to OLC

Considering the way that Jackson spoke about this memo, there are good reasons to suspect that the problem goes beyond Barr citing an OLC ruling that he’s already had a hand in crafting. The statement that Barr had been “disingenuous” explicitly addressed the contents of the memo. Jackson also called Barr’s statements concerning the memo “so inconsistent with evidence in the record, they are not worthy of credence.” This certainly suggests that what remains under all that black ink on the memo undermines the idea that this was an airtight case for blocking obstruction charges.

The reasoning in the memo may be consistent with previous OLC statements. It may be contorted beyond all reason. It may reflect a department intentionally shaping its statement to meet a decision that was made long before the Mueller report appeared. We don’t know. And the OLC is continuing to fight against the release of the remaining portion of the memo.

However, there is another source of behind the scenes legal wrangling that may soon provide some illumination. Former White House Counsel Don McGahn has agreed to testify before the House Judiciary Committee next week concerning Trump’s efforts to obstruct the Russia investigation.


According to The New York Times, McGahn’s testimony “was contingent upon there being no active legal challenge to his participation in the matter.” Secondhand reports indicate that Trump first threatened to intervene, then agreed not to intervene. But with testimony a week away, all it would take would be for Trump to hold up a last-minute flag for McGahn to clam up.

The testimony being sought is actually connected to an effort by the Judiciary Committee to call McGahn two years ago. But at the time, McGahn failed to show after Trump instructed him to refuse a congressional subpoena. That refusal spent the last two years in court, with the American public picking up the tab on Trump’s efforts to keep McGahn from speaking. In theory, that means if Trump wanted to block McGahn now he would have to pick up the legal bills himself, but considering McGahn’s statements, it seems that he would likely refuse to testify if Trump so much as raised an objection.

Even if McGahn does appear, it’s unclear how much he will be willing to say, and how much he will claim is covered by either lawyer-client privilege or executive privilege. Like the heavily redacted OLC memo, it seems likely that McGahn will simply confirm what’s already known and hide the rest.

On the other hand, he might also find that it’s harder to fight off subpoenas and lawsuits without being able to use the Department of Justice as a private law firm.
Garland has integrity and he's looking to restore the integrity of the DOJ, either he, or the inspector general will get to the bottom of it I'm sure. I don't think protecting Trump, Barr, Rosenstein, or anybody else who covered for them is part of his motivation, perhaps there are ongoing investigations and indictments pending for what happened in the DOJ under Trump. Nothing is redacted for Garland and the other senior DOJ officials Biden appointed and none of them has the slightest interest in covering for Trump or his cronies.

You also have to remember that Barr is up to his eyeballs in the Ukrainian affair, along with, Trump, Rudy and Pompeo, and there is a very good possibility of conspiracy charges coming over that little fiasco. Rosenstein could also be looking at obstruction of justice charges and this might be necessary to protect the integrity of the investigation(s).

In short, I don't think there are nefarious motives for asking for some redactions to remain, there are no motives for such actions. If the judge(s) are not happy about it, we will hear about it, they've seen the unredacted documents too.
Garland has integrity and he's looking to restore the integrity of the DOJ, either he, or the inspector general will get to the bottom of it I'm sure. I don't think protecting Trump, Barr, Rosenstein, or anybody else who covered for them is part of his motivation, perhaps there are ongoing investigations and indictments pending for what happened in the DOJ under Trump. Nothing is redacted for Garland and the other senior DOJ officials Biden appointed and none of them has the slightest interest in covering for Trump or his cronies.

You also have to remember that Barr is up to his eyeballs in the Ukrainian affair, along with, Trump, Rudy and Pompeo, and there is a very good possibility of conspiracy charges coming over that little fiasco. Rosenstein could also be looking at obstruction of justice charges and this might be necessary to protect the integrity of the investigation(s).

In short, I don't think there are nefarious motives for asking for some redactions to remain, there are no motives for such actions. If the judge(s) are not happy about it, we will hear about it, they've seen the unredacted documents too.
The above article lays out one reason to 'delay' the rest of the report. McGahn is to give an account of what happened but has said he will not if Trump says no. The DOJ can appeal the naughty bits and by the time another judge says to release the rest they will have McGahn's testimony. If they release it before and spook Trump then they do not getting the testimony they have been fighting fo over two years.
Lt. Gen. Russel Honore Calls For Jan 6th Commission

Terrified of the political ramifications the truth may expose, 35 Senate Republicans continue to put Party ahead of Country, and voted to block the creation of an independent January 6 Commission modeled on the famed 9/11 Commission which would investigate the Insurrection and Attack on the United States Capitol.
Insane. Not to mention changing their constitution to allow King TrumPutin to remain ruler forever, or anything to do with Alexei and the hundreds they've arrested over protests. But of course, that frustration over the comical level hypocrisy is the point. The more anger over things that don't make sense, the more they laugh.
Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov: "We are closely watching the persecution of people involved in storming of the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021. Suggest the human rights, rights of opposition are being violated."
Their Russian allies are standing up for them and will form a united front with the republicans. Nothing like open treason to clear the air, why not, they are spreading and spouting their propaganda and it's unclear if their talking points are written in Moscow. Yep, I can see it now, the republican senators and congress people marching arm in arm with the staff of the Russian embassy and their ambassador in a show of solidarity. Perhaps they should all attend and speak at Donald's first MAGA "stop the steal" rally of the season.

The republican base doesn't mind forming an alliance with a hostile foreign power that has thousands of nuclear weapons pointed at them. It will sure trigger the libs, that and somehow getting the black folks is most important thing.
New Oath Keepers Conspiracy Indictment Proves Republicans Wrong that there was "No Insurrection"

The American people were taken aback when Representative Andrew Clyde boldly announced that "anyone calling what happened at the US Capitol on January 6 is "a bold-faced liar." He also told us that the folks in the Capital that day were behaving "in an orderly fashion" and acting like normal "tourists."

In a new conspiracy indictment the prosecutors reveal that the defendants who planed and executed the attack on the Capitol themselves called it "an insurrections. Rep. Clyde would issue a retraction to the American people, as it appears he is the one who offered bald-faced lies.
Capitol Riot: Plea talks have begun with 12 indicted Oath Keepers

The Department of Justice has begun plea talks with at least some of the 12 Oath Keepers charged with conspiring to disrupt the joint session of Congress on January 6, according to new documents filed in court this week.

In a motion Thursday requesting a 60-day continuance, the DOJ said it has only recently begun reaching out to the defendants’ attorneys about the “possible resolution of these matters short of trial.” According to the DOJ, those discussions are “ongoing.”

The 12 Oath Keepers indicted in the case include Army veteran Jessica Watkins – an Ohio bar owner accused of recruiting and training militia members for January 6 – Florida Oath Keepers leader Kelly Meggs, and two men, Joshua James and Roberto Minuta, who served as part of a security detail for Roger Stone, the long-time confidante of former President Donald Trump.
Four Additional Oath Keepers Arrested And Charged Over Capitol Riot

Four additional members of the far-right group, the Oath Keepers, have been arrested and charged in connection with their roles in the January 6th Capitol riot, according to reports. NBC News’ Ken Dilanian explains what charges the men are facing and how they could impact a separate lawsuit against the group from members of Congress.
Oath Keepers Appear In Court Over Jan. 6 Insurrection

The oath keepers appeared in court today and four more have recently been charged in connection to the capitol riot. NBC’s Scott Macfarlane joins MSNBC’s Craig Melvin to discuss the details of the case.
Capitol Riot: Plea talks have begun with 12 indicted Oath Keepers

The Department of Justice has begun plea talks with at least some of the 12 Oath Keepers charged with conspiring to disrupt the joint session of Congress on January 6, according to new documents filed in court this week.

In a motion Thursday requesting a 60-day continuance, the DOJ said it has only recently begun reaching out to the defendants’ attorneys about the “possible resolution of these matters short of trial.” According to the DOJ, those discussions are “ongoing.”

The 12 Oath Keepers indicted in the case include Army veteran Jessica Watkins – an Ohio bar owner accused of recruiting and training militia members for January 6 – Florida Oath Keepers leader Kelly Meggs, and two men, Joshua James and Roberto Minuta, who served as part of a security detail for Roger Stone, the long-time confidante of former President Donald Trump.

August sure seems to be popping up a bunch lately, wonder if it'll be wild.
Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov: "We are closely watching the persecution of people involved in storming of the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021. Suggest the human rights, rights of opposition are being violated."

suggest you mind your own business and worry about your own banana republic.