James bean company

I ordered from Greenpoint seeds, from within the US. According to Gu, the owner of Greenpoint seeds, he had 16 packages seized at that moment, from the post office that he was sending them from. I'm a little pissed, because afterwards I learned that he had been warned about having his business PO Box there and sending everything from the same place all the time and that he should scatter it around. So, I feel a little bit like he put me at risk when he could have done differently. I know other guys that have had their packages seized and they continue growing. I cleaned out, and right now, I'm spending the next few months just collecting as many genetics as I possibly can, and then I'm going to move to a new place in June and start growing there. I decided I'm not going to have seeds shipped to the same house I'm growing in.

I do feel like it would be fine and safe to grow here though. All I received was a letter from the USPS stating they had seized my package and they were going to destroy it. They provided instructions on how to appeal it if I wanted to. I've also communicated a bit with a couple of the other folks who had their packages seized from that round of orders and they also only received the letter and nothing more. On some of the dark web market forums, people are saying they've had various packages seized ranging from ounces of weed to quarter pounds of weed to bulk vape cartridge orders, and the post office is only sending letters for those also. They are not contacting local law enforcement presumably because they are overwhelmed by the sheer number of illicit packages being found every day.

Wow thats interesting. Especially since its from within the United States. How would they know its Marijuana seeds? And sorry your shit got seized, that sucks...
Wow thats interesting. Especially since its from within the United States. How would they know its Marijuana seeds? And sorry your shit got seized, that sucks...
they would know because it would seem like suspicious activity is being reported at these post office locations because banks are lazy and use one office to send stuff as the poster said. it would be a matter of getting a warrant for the vendor or person who keeps dropping off the seeds. they would then go in and intercept the packages this person attempted to send without their knowledge. this is the only way i can see it happening in this way meaning 16 packages from one shipment all seized. it would also not surprise me if theydid a darknet type sting ere soon or this is a precursor to it. what i mean is they may have warrants or compromised internal servers of places like SHN an dGP as part of an ongoing investigation. whether the hammer drops or they just gather intel and scare ppl is yet to be determined, but i have to assume they have warrants for these sites and have probably infiltrated servers and probably tracking everything they do thus know what is going where. this is what happened on the darknet btw, rashes of "server maintenence" accross many similar sites then cpl months later all hell broke loose. the good news is the buyers etc... on darknet were never charged so while these are often huge investigations it is often to get one big fish or gather intel and report on the status of the problem, in this case problem being seed trafficking using the post office.
let us also not forget the phentanyl lawsuit that got ups and fedex new guidlines for reporting and checking packages. they were found accountable for this in that case and are now legally required to do their best to check and the issue wit those places is they are not the gov, and they absolutley don't need a warrant. for this reason everyone with a brain uses the post office
they would know because it would seem like suspicious activity is being reported at these post office locations because banks are lazy and use one office to send stuff as the poster said. it would be a matter of getting a warrant for the vendor or person who keeps dropping off the seeds. they would then go in and intercept the packages this person attempted to send without their knowledge. this is the only way i can see it happening in this way meaning 16 packages from one shipment all seized. it would also not surprise me if theydid a darknet type sting ere soon or this is a precursor to it. what i mean is they may have warrants or compromised internal servers of places like SHN an dGP as part of an ongoing investigation. whether the hammer drops or they just gather intel and scare ppl is yet to be determined, but i have to assume they have warrants for these sites and have probably infiltrated servers and probably tracking everything they do thus know what is going where. this is what happened on the darknet btw, rashes of "server maintenence" accross many similar sites then cpl months later all hell broke loose. the good news is the buyers etc... on darknet were never charged so while these are often huge investigations it is often to get one big fish or gather intel and report on the status of the problem, in this case problem being seed trafficking using the post office.
let us also not forget the phentanyl lawsuit that got ups and fedex new guidlines for reporting and checking packages. they were found accountable for this in that case and are now legally required to do their best to check and the issue wit those places is they are not the gov, and they absolutley don't need a warrant. for this reason everyone with a brain uses the post office

Now for people ordering on the darknet, how could they get charged? If they use a cryptocurrency, VPN and fake name? They could simply say, "Idk who sent that to me and why...It wasnt me"
Now for people ordering on the darknet, how could they get charged? If they use a cryptocurrency, VPN and fake name? They could simply say, "Idk who sent that to me and why...It wasnt me"
they would get charged by opening said package that was intercepted and consequently tracked by L.E.As similar to the way these seeds from SHN packages were tracked and the letters sent ceritified. the difference is the SHN incident the product didn't come. in darknet cases they let the package come to see if you open it. . it happened to my freind many years ago with actual bricks of weed. they intercepted the package or were already watching the sender. then they track the package to your house, when you open the package the tracking alarm goes off because you broke the seal to the box, and wallah they raid your crib because they are already staked outside . in this case tho they sent the letter certified to have the same effect because they are not making arrests atm or ever on this. but rest assured the paperwork is done the t's are crossed and the i's dotted. if they want to pursue a case or warrant the D.A has what they need. L.E.O just documents and gives em the ammo. the point is the certified letter is what concerns me about SHN, and trackers are the issue if they are arresting you on the spot. the catch 22 is if you open the package and it is not addressed to your name it is federal mail fraud opening the mail not addressed to you. you lose all plausible deniability to say i didn't know what it was or it wasn't addressed to me.
in this case it is also different because they did not send the seeds with intent on th ecustomer opening them so it is different, however on darknet this is how it would happen
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you can google an older story per a mass dude getting molly shipped and see where the usps used the ip logs on their track and confirm website to investigate then charge. He was a bigger fish, granted, and it ain't bird seed. But that story is bout 4 yrs old now. Just sayin, of course over a 5 pack o beans. as previously mentioned, doubt anything would happen. As far as dark web goes, they already nailed silk road once, you really think they aren't prepared for another one? It is noted, it sure didn't seem to take em long to get with it on US seeders.
you can google an older story per a mass dude getting molly shipped and see where the usps used the ip logs on their track and confirm website to investigate then charge. He was a bigger fish, granted, and it ain't bird seed. But that story is bout 4 yrs old now. Just sayin, of course over a 5 pack o beans. as previously mentioned, doubt anything would happen. As far as dark web goes, they already nailed silk road once, you really think they aren't prepared for another one? It is noted, it sure didn't seem to take em long to get with it on US seeders.
yea bro, ppl don't realize how easy a case this would be to make if they wanted to lol. it's just they have not beeen motivated to do so, but this other shit in the news has the mail system on high alert with any illicit substance and the fact is there the patriot act has given them digital cart blanche' ... i work in I.T have a comp sci degree, trust me ik. they can even use malware to break in and you don't even need to be the person they have a warrant for. example. they have a warrant for SHN. they break into servers and then use patriot acts blankets warrants to search every i.p and adress on their data base
they don't need a warrant for you they got one for SHN that applies to you by default. that's how it works
i would like to add, i was always more worried of state side seed banks while living in the states for this reason. they cannot set up a sting so easily or compromise foreign servers and use it in court so easily. if this was a foreign seedbank there would be no investigation or danger of them being compromised by U.S.A's LEA. i realize this is a u.s seedbank thread to and one i like and respect so mb pointing this out. feel free to correct me if i am wrong.
this almost feels as if it was a set up, like they let ppl get comfy ordering state side and then boom they got us like rats in their trap
i would like to add, i was always more worried of state side seed banks while living in the states for this reason. they cannot set up a sting so easily or compromise foreign servers and use it in court so easily. if this was a foreign seedbank there would be no investigation or danger of them being compromised by U.S.A's LEA. i realize this is a u.s seedbank thread to and one i like and respect so mb pointing this out. feel free to correct me if i am wrong.
this almost feels as if it was a set up, like they let ppl get comfy ordering state side and then boom they got us like rats in their trap
Gypsy Nirvana might have something to say about that.
Now for people ordering on the darknet, how could they get charged? If they use a cryptocurrency, VPN and fake name? They could simply say, "Idk who sent that to me and why...It wasnt me"
Traditionally ( and keep in mind that another poster mentioned they might put trackers in the package and have you open it and get you that way, although I've never heard of that being done) but traditionally, if they find an illicit substance in a package worth pursuing, they would have the police do a controlled delivery. This way, they would have law enforcement dress up as US Postal Service employees and deliver the package to your house and say a signature is required to receive the package. Once you sign for the package you are fucked. This is why none of the dark web vendors require signatures for the packages. Basically, if you're waiting to receive a package with a controlled substance in it, you should never ever sign for it under any circumstances. If someone shows up at your door saying a signature is required, you can bet it is probably law enforcement doing a controlled delivery. If you say you don't recognize the sender of the package and you weren't expecting it and refuse to sign, if your house is clean with no illicit substances in it, you have a very good chance of getting out of it in court. You probably wouldn't even be charged under these circumstances. The reason for this is that anyone could have drugs sent to someone they didn't like and have them get arrested for it if that was the case. And according to any reasonable thinking person, that is something that should not be able to happen. But, if you're only getting ounces of weed or small things like that, it is my understanding that you really don't have much to worry about. They would most likely just seize the package, destroy it, and send you a letter saying they seized the package.
Wow thats interesting. Especially since its from within the United States. How would they know its Marijuana seeds? And sorry your shit got seized, that sucks...
I'm not sure how this round of packages got seized. There is always the possibility that a drug dog detected it. After all, seeds originate inside a bud so they do have THC molecules all over them which can be smelled by a drug dog. Typically, darknet vendors will seal the packages up with multiple seals and usually put a moisture barrier bag (think Capri Sun packaging) sealed around the outside. Then they clean off that outer seal with rubbing alcohol to get rid of any remaining THC molecules. That way the dogs won't be able to smell it as long as the package isn't sitting in the mail too long. Smells will eventually get through any type of barrier, but depending on what type of barrier it is it takes a certain amount of time for those smells to permeate the packaging.

Personally, I don't believe in this case that it was smell that got the packages busted. Take this with a grain of salt, but my assumption, being that Gu has many enemies and competitors in the seed business which I know about from reading the Green Point seeds thread on this site, my assumption is that he might have been ratted out by one of his competitors because one in particular, who absolutely hates him, lives in the same area and knows all about his business.

Keep in mind that if they discover one package with seeds in it, they will easily be able to round up all of the other packages because they have similar packaging and usually the same return address, Etc. If he wasn't ratted out by a competitor, then I'm not really sure how they discovered it.

I am just glad that they don't see it as a very big deal or take it very seriously for seeds. I think if this happened 20 years ago, I could probably have expected a SWAT team to kick down my door with a search warrant, but maybe I'm wrong.
I'm not sure how this round of packages got seized. There is always the possibility that a drug dog detected it. After all, seeds originate inside a bud so they do have THC molecules all over them which can be smelled by a drug dog. Typically, darknet vendors will seal the packages up with multiple seals and usually put a moisture barrier bag (think Capri Sun packaging) sealed around the outside. Then they clean off that outer seal with rubbing alcohol to get rid of any remaining THC molecules. That way the dogs won't be able to smell it as long as the package isn't sitting in the mail too long. Smells will eventually get through any type of barrier, but depending on what type of barrier it is it takes a certain amount of time for those smells to permeate the packaging.

Personally, I don't believe in this case that it was smell that got the packages busted. Take this with a grain of salt, but my assumption, being that Gu has many enemies and competitors in the seed business which I know about from reading the Green Point seeds thread on this site, my assumption is that he might have been ratted out by one of his competitors because one in particular, who absolutely hates him, lives in the same area and knows all about his business.

Keep in mind that if they discover one package with seeds in it, they will easily be able to round up all of the other packages because they have similar packaging and usually the same return address, Etc. If he wasn't ratted out by a competitor, then I'm not really sure how they discovered it.

I am just glad that they don't see it as a very big deal or take it very seriously for seeds. I think if this happened 20 years ago, I could probably have expected a SWAT team to kick down my door with a search warrant, but maybe I'm wrong.

i cannot point to the case law or anything but i am fairly certain if you google drug sniffing dogs in post office you will see that it is not probably cause to open someones package. this is very strict requirements in usa to open a package you deem suspicious when you are a gov agency like the p.o. that could be a hit because it rubbed another envelope full of weed ya dig. they cannot use dogs in p.o for this reason i am almost positive. that said now that fedex and ups are being held accountable for drug trafficking and because they are not held to same privacy restrictions as the government run p.o they can use dogs if they decided to recently given this loophole for privacy. it only applies to the gov not to private courriers. anyway that is why ups and fedex were always a bad choice
Yall got
Traditionally ( and keep in mind that another poster mentioned they might put trackers in the package and have you open it and get you that way, although I've never heard of that being done) but traditionally, if they find an illicit substance in a package worth pursuing, they would have the police do a controlled delivery. This way, they would have law enforcement dress up as US Postal Service employees and deliver the package to your house and say a signature is required to receive the package. Once you sign for the package you are fucked. This is why none of the dark web vendors require signatures for the packages. Basically, if you're waiting to receive a package with a controlled substance in it, you should never ever sign for it under any circumstances. If someone shows up at your door saying a signature is required, you can bet it is probably law enforcement doing a controlled delivery. If you say you don't recognize the sender of the package and you weren't expecting it and refuse to sign, if your house is clean with no illicit substances in it, you have a very good chance of getting out of it in court. You probably wouldn't even be charged under these circumstances. The reason for this is that anyone could have drugs sent to someone they didn't like and have them get arrested for it if that was the case. And according to any reasonable thinking person, that is something that should not be able to happen. But, if you're only getting ounces of weed or small things like that, it is my understanding that you really don't have much to worry about. They would most likely just seize the package, destroy it, and send you a letter saying they seized the package.
I'm not sure how this round of packages got seized. There is always the possibility that a drug dog detected it. After all, seeds originate inside a bud so they do have THC molecules all over them which can be smelled by a drug dog. Typically, darknet vendors will seal the packages up with multiple seals and usually put a moisture barrier bag (think Capri Sun packaging) sealed around the outside. Then they clean off that outer seal with rubbing alcohol to get rid of any remaining THC molecules. That way the dogs won't be able to smell it as long as the package isn't sitting in the mail too long. Smells will eventually get through any type of barrier, but depending on what type of barrier it is it takes a certain amount of time for those smells to permeate the packaging.

Personally, I don't believe in this case that it was smell that got the packages busted. Take this with a grain of salt, but my assumption, being that Gu has many enemies and competitors in the seed business which I know about from reading the Green Point seeds thread on this site, my assumption is that he might have been ratted out by one of his competitors because one in particular, who absolutely hates him, lives in the same area and knows all about his business.

Keep in mind that if they discover one package with seeds in it, they will easily be able to round up all of the other packages because they have similar packaging and usually the same return address, Etc. If he wasn't ratted out by a competitor, then I'm not really sure how they discovered it.

I am just glad that they don't see it as a very big deal or take it very seriously for seeds. I think if this happened 20 years ago, I could probably have expected a SWAT team to kick down my door with a search warrant, but maybe I'm wrong.

Thanks for both of the replies!
Traditionally ( and keep in mind that another poster mentioned they might put trackers in the package and have you open it and get you that way, although I've never heard of that being done) but traditionally, if they find an illicit substance in a package worth pursuing, they would have the police do a controlled delivery. This way, they would have law enforcement dress up as US Postal Service employees and deliver the package to your house and say a signature is required to receive the package. Once you sign for the package you are fucked. This is why none of the dark web vendors require signatures for the packages. Basically, if you're waiting to receive a package with a controlled substance in it, you should never ever sign for it under any circumstances. If someone shows up at your door saying a signature is required, you can bet it is probably law enforcement doing a controlled delivery. If you say you don't recognize the sender of the package and you weren't expecting it and refuse to sign, if your house is clean with no illicit substances in it, you have a very good chance of getting out of it in court. You probably wouldn't even be charged under these circumstances. The reason for this is that anyone could have drugs sent to someone they didn't like and have them get arrested for it if that was the case. And according to any reasonable thinking person, that is something that should not be able to happen. But, if you're only getting ounces of weed or small things like that, it is my understanding that you really don't have much to worry about. They would most likely just seize the package, destroy it, and send you a letter saying they seized the package.
just to respond to you saying you've never heard of the tracker in a package. idk if you referred to me saying that but either way i can tell you first hand 100% this happens. my personal freind did 18mo for recieving 40lb in the mail. this was pre-silk road. this was ppl we grew up with that were mexican who moved back to arizona and their connections whom had a whole operation going. in their case we don't have all the deets on how they found the package because the sender never got caught or a any heat, but my buddy who used a girl to open the package plead guilty. he had some plausible deniability because some girl opened it when he wasn't home, but he didnt want to fuck her over so he took a sweet deal at the time(late 90's) and got 18mo. the way it happened was a turkey was in the box not the weed. there was an alarm that signaled the tema to raid the house when the box was opened. they took everyone at the house to jail. that is a 100% factual story and this was someone i hung with on the daily for a decade