Well-Known Member
I ordered from Greenpoint seeds, from within the US. According to Gu, the owner of Greenpoint seeds, he had 16 packages seized at that moment, from the post office that he was sending them from. I'm a little pissed, because afterwards I learned that he had been warned about having his business PO Box there and sending everything from the same place all the time and that he should scatter it around. So, I feel a little bit like he put me at risk when he could have done differently. I know other guys that have had their packages seized and they continue growing. I cleaned out, and right now, I'm spending the next few months just collecting as many genetics as I possibly can, and then I'm going to move to a new place in June and start growing there. I decided I'm not going to have seeds shipped to the same house I'm growing in.
I do feel like it would be fine and safe to grow here though. All I received was a letter from the USPS stating they had seized my package and they were going to destroy it. They provided instructions on how to appeal it if I wanted to. I've also communicated a bit with a couple of the other folks who had their packages seized from that round of orders and they also only received the letter and nothing more. On some of the dark web market forums, people are saying they've had various packages seized ranging from ounces of weed to quarter pounds of weed to bulk vape cartridge orders, and the post office is only sending letters for those also. They are not contacting local law enforcement presumably because they are overwhelmed by the sheer number of illicit packages being found every day.
Wow thats interesting. Especially since its from within the United States. How would they know its Marijuana seeds? And sorry your shit got seized, that sucks...