Jamaican Seeds


Active Member
Hi, i have grown outside a few times but each time has ennded up being a male plant " which sucks" or just not very good quality in the one time i did have a female " always from bagseed" I usually travel to the carribian islands once a year. so last time i was down there we went to jamaica and of course i sampled alot of different bud until i found the one i liked most and brought back several seeds from different strainds i liked. Anyway my question is do you think i will be able to grow the seeds outdoors here. " i live in the south and we get lots of sun and its pretty much very warm here all summer, AS ANYONE WHO HAS BEEN TO THE SOUTH KNOWS. Do you think i will have to do anything special to get the same results that they had in jamaica? i actually know the guy that grew it and the only thing he said he did was throw them in the ground and fert with chicken shit. well i have been using the chicken method and it seems to be working fine " i will post pics later today" but do you think since its from jamaica that i will not flower here or will it take longer? Anyone who has tried to grow some from jamaica or can give me any insight at all it would be much appreciated. thank you very much.......................


Well-Known Member
get a lighting system, germ the seeds at the same time, and hope you get a female..

Growing outdoors is a big risk, because you have security issues as well as bugs..


Active Member
i have never had an issue with bugs but i do agree with the security issue. and i am looking into a lighting system. i have only had it in the ground "from seed" for like three weeks and its like 2 1/2 ft tall already so im thinking it is going to be a really tall plant but at the same time it is not bushing out very much like i would like for it to.