Jamaican Dream growing problems please help!!


Active Member
Hi everyone,
Thanks for taking the time to view my thread.
I have a Jamaican Dream plant in the first week of flowering under a 150w hps. I re-potted her into a larger pot about a week ago but ever since then some of the leaves nearer the top have started mutating (see pics).
I'm growing in Bio-Bizz all mix but have only given it water since I re-potted. I always check my PH etc.
The soil is still very wet near the bottom of the pot and does not seem to be drying out fast enough.
Is it overwatering that is causing the leaves to look like they do? If so should I consider re-potting again to rescue it?
Any help would be great.
Many thanks!


Bud Tipps

Well-Known Member
Unless it's not growing well you shouldn't need to transplant it, the warped leaves aren't much to worry about.

Mixing more perlite in to your mix next time should lighten it so it dries out faster.


Active Member
Thanks for your advice it's much appreciated! The plant is growing ok so I may have just been worrying too much about the apprearance of the warped leaves. The roots are starting to come out of the bottom of the container so hopefully the amount of water at the bottom should start getting used. I'll keep you informed if there are any other problems. Thanks again!

Sunny Organics

Well-Known Member
If it's just that one leaf or 2 , dont worry about like Bud Tipps said, it will eventually grow out of it. If you see any other deformed growth on your newer growth you might have a problem. Goodluck bro, keep us posted hopefully it's nothing. :joint: cheers!