jact55's seven strain grow and breeding project


Well-Known Member
hello all, this is my second grow as a RUI member and probably my sixth or so throughout my life. below is the details of the grow.

Grow Box
3.5'X3.5'X6' box made of cherry and teak plywood. lined in mylar. ( i got the plywood free from work, bout 400 bucks of plywood that i had been sitting on for years, so i put it to use)

-vegg- 250+ watts of cfls
-flower- 400 watt hps and 250 watts of cfls

- Black Gold all natural soil amended with more worm casting and perlite.
I am using 9- 5 gallon grow bags for the femmed seeds and and 3- 1 gallon pots for the regular seeds since i am only using these for breeding

DNA Genetics- Sour Cream- 3 plants FEM
DNA Genetics- LA Woman- 2 plants FEM
Greenhouse Sds- Hawaiian Snow- 1 FEM
Greenhouse- Lemon Skunk- 1 FEM
Greenhouse- The Church- 1 FEM
Greenhouse- Great White Shark- 1 FEM
TH Seeds- Wreckage- 3 REG

some genetic lines on some strains

Sour Cream- ( Sour Diesel X G13Haze)
LA Woman- ( LA Confidential X Mean Green Martian)
Wreckage- ( Trainwreck X S.A.G.E.)

Vegg- Fish Emulsuions, Seaweed extract and FoxFarm Bigbloom. also i have been using Vitamin B-1 to help with root establishment, but i am weening them off of that.
Flower- Foxfarm Tiger Bloom, Bigbloom and seaweed extract. fish emulsions as needed.


Well-Known Member
ok, so my plan is to vegg the plants for around 2 months or until they get to a height that is suitable to fill my box. i will be topping them, or at least the majority and attempting to super crop some as well.

i have three wreckage non-femmed seeds that i am hoping to get a male or two out of so i can pollinate some of the lower buds of some of the nicer plants so i dont have to keep on paying for seeds.

Current status

so as of right now i have three sour creams and one La woman that are three weeks old. they were stunted for a couple days and yellowed, but some adjustments and a week later and they have tripled in size from the time they stunted.
Only half of my Sour Cream pack germed so i had to get more seeds. i got a mixed greenhouse pack and the rest were freebies from attitude. right now Great white shark, lemon skunk and hawaiian snow have popped above soil. the church, the three wreckage and the other La woman will be above soil tomorrow i am pretty confident.

here are some pics of the box and the plants.
Pic 1&2-of the box
pic 3- group shot of three week old plants
pic 4- sour cream plant
pic 5- LA woman plant
pic 6- three seedlings above soil
pic 7- below soiland popped seedlings
pic 8- my vegging nutes.

oh and dont mind the spindly sage that i have growing in the from of the box. haha




Well-Known Member
ok, that is all for now. feel free to shoot some questions or comments my way, thanks. oh an here is some bud shots from my last grow, just to keep ya'll interested. also a multi-strain grow




Well-Known Member
hey softwhite, thanks for taking a peek at my new grow.

so all three of my wreckage seeds and the la woman popped above soil today. i am still waiting for the church to pop above the soil, hopefully tomorrow.

pic of the new seedlings and the a pic of the three sour creams and the la woman growing considerably day to day.




Well-Known Member
just a little update...

the church seed never broke soil so i dug it up and hte tap root had grown some but there was no leaves, so it is dead, shitty i wanted a church plant.

the three sour creams and la woman are growing amazingly fast, the seedlings are progressing, just wish they would progress a little faster. i hit them with some vitamin B-1 this morning, hopefully that will help a little.
pics below
1- group shot
2- la woman
3 and 4 sour creams
5- greenhouse seedlings
6- th seeds and dna gen. seedlings
7- group shot of seedling

i will probably top the four big plants tonight, i will post pics if i do.




Well-Known Member
just an update...

so i fimmed the four biggest plants, i hope i didnt fim the fim if you know what i mean. i have also starting tucking down the biggest leaves to expose the undergrowth to lighting. seedlings are coming along nicely, pics are from yesterday, today they have grown alot more.


1- showing fimmed top
2- showing tucked leaves, kinda
3- seedling shot
4- group shot



How is/was the sour cream as far as yield and potency? I have pone in the 8th week of 12/12/ and expect 2 more weeks. Check out my gorw journal in my sdig. its the first opne and go to the last page. Really interested in this plant and how long it took someone else to grow to the end.