Jack's nutes issues.

and what is the starting ppm of your water? you said it's filtered: is it pretty close to 0 ppm?? and do you have a water softener too? that you use salt pellets for?
and what is the starting ppm of your water? you said it's filtered: is it pretty close to 0 ppm?? and do you have a water softener too? that you use salt pellets for?
Negative on softner. I'm getting 93ppm on the filtered water. I know that from tap it says 68ppm calcium on city water chart. I'm running through carbon filters but not using the RO as membrane needs replacing
With powdered gypsum. It's soluble and works fine. Doesn't settle out. Do not use chelated calcium in the feed routinely. It's better utilized as a foliar treatment all by itself or a limited use root feed.
I saw it recommended for foiliar. Thanks for the heads up. Gypsum was on the cheap. This site has lots of stuff.

Negative on softner. I'm getting 93ppm on the filtered water. I know that from tap it says 68ppm calcium on city water chart. I'm running through carbon filters but not using the RO as membrane needs replacing
i highly doubt it's zinc deficiency. almost every nute line has plenty of micros in them IMO. i think it looks more like Mg to me. but then you also have to look at if you have too much of X, is it causing a problem with Y.

i'd go back to just 321 at an EC of about 1 to 1.2 ish. skip the cal/mg and the silica for now. hard to say if the slight tip burn is new or old but there was slight overfeeding at some point.
i ran it with tribus and that's it. still yellowish, but it could be stress due to trimmin the shit out of the bottoms where no light is getting in. always so hard to do as some of the stems were hardy.did you get yourself a dirtbike yet rky?