Jacks (JR Peters) nutrients

after spending some time im realizing you could mix the 5-11-26 almost as easy and with better numbers

this is hotter than I run but it can be diluted

2grams mix
2grams calcium nitrate
2grams Epsom salt

bloom N: P : K ratios 2: 1 : 3
2grams mix
2grams calcium nitrate
2grams epsom salt
0.5 grams mkp

late bloom (last 2 weeks) N: P : K ratios 1:1:2
2 grams mix
1.25 grams calcium nitrate
2grams Epsom salt
0.5 grams mkp
I bumped the epsom up like that at one point and did not like the results. It may have been when I was running more calcium nitrate than mix, though.
I bumped the epsom up like that at one point and did not like the results. It may have been when I was running more calcium nitrate than mix, though.
at your higher EC itll be more likely to see issues with lock out

the xtra calcium from the calcium nitrate pushes the potassium, magnesium requirements up which ultimately rasies the EC across the board
I figured for
Ca:Mg at a ratio of 2:1

if you lower the Epsom youll change the ratio

might be better just to lower the over all EC
the other option is to lower your calcium

to do this youd use less calcium nitrate and a small amount of magnesium nitrate

doing this would not only lower your calcium requiring less magnesium to get the 2:1 ratio between calcium and magnesium
,,,, that also lowers the excess unneeded sulfur added by the Epsom salt since youd be using less magnesium sulfate

allowing you to feed the same amount of NPK: and keep the Ca:Mg: it proportion but with a lower EC
excessive calcium (requiring more magnesium sulfate) and excess sulfur are what drives most EC numbers up

high sulfur can be given to plants with no direct consequence but there is consequence to an over all high EC
and excess sulfur adds to that

so why not do everything we can to eliminate the excess allowing for the lowest EC possible while meeting all the demands required for mass performance
excessive calcium (requiring more magnesium sulfate) and excess sulfur are what drives most EC numbers up

high sulfur can be given to plants with no direct consequence but there is consequence to an over all high EC
and excess sulfur adds to that

so why not do everything we can to eliminate the excess allowing for the lowest EC possible while meeting all the demands required for mass performance
The classic mix is;
3 parts 5-11-26 mic
2 parts calcium nitrate
1 part epsom salt

How is this ratio inferior?
that's guaranteed to leave you with Mg lockout


im assuming this is for veg with all that N

calcium is 20% higher than needed

K is over the top

the magnesium low by all standard even if the calcium and potassium was in range

even without the high calcium and high potassium lockout the magnesium is low
that's guaranteed to leave you with Mg lockout

View attachment 3888311

im assuming this is for veg with all that N

calcium is 20% higher than needed

K is over the top

the magnesium low by all standard even if the calcium and potassium was in range

even without the high calcium and high potassium lockout the magnesium is low
You sure you didn't get the mix and calcium nitrate backwards?

Again, these are RATIOS, not an exact recipe. Dilute to desired EC.
running the mix at 3grams pushes the K way up

all the K comes from the mix

the more you push the mix up the more you push the K up the more magnesium you need...the more sulfur you get
same thing with the calcium nitrate

the more you push the calcium up then you have to push the magnesium up and you get more sulfur

because of the relationship between potassium, calcium and magnesium

you need a 3;2;1 ratio in veg and preferable something close in bloom

in bloom some people might be able to get away with a 4;2;1 ratio if there mix has a high K ratio during bloom
, but I prefer the 3;2;1 or close

either way the mag is half the calcium
if you go with the 4;2;1 you can squeek by

3;2;1 guarantee's balance

anything else your have issues

plus or minus 10ppm and depending on your source water
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this is why calmag products are kinda tricky

if you've got enough calcium in your mix

and your magnesium def... every says "add more calmag" nope thatll make it worse

only add calmag if your calcium def (red rust freckles on lower leaves)

add Epsom if your magnesium def (taco leaf on the top half of plant)
if you go with the 4;2;1 you can squeek by

3;2;1 guarantee's balance

anything else your have issues

plus or minus 10ppm and depending on your source water
Wait a minute. Just a few posts above you said this ratio would guarantee lockout. What changed?
Wait a minute. Just a few posts above you said this ratio would guarantee lockout. What changed?
maybe saying it guarantees lock out was over stated

speaking in terms of veg ratios youd want to keep your 3:2:1 ratio K: Ca : Mg

flower you can lean toward 4:2:1.... but with this formula and with that much N 120ppm I assume we are looking at this as a veg formula

but that mix leaves the magnesium at only 25ppm with the calcium at 100ppm (only requiring 70ppm)and the K at 170ppm (only requiring 120ppm)

you would need to raise your magnesium up to 50ppm to get half the calcium

this would also push your sulfur up significantly

all equaling a combined excess of un-needed EC that only adds to salt build up.... especially at the EC you guys are running

the final formula has more than 30% more calcium and 30% more K than the ratio requires for veg

after you add the magnesium sulfate to get the magnesium up to 50ppm youll end up with 65ppm sulfur which isn't double
what the plants minimum requirements

you just don't need all that calcium, sulfur and K
if your experiencing magnesium def it would make more sense to lower the element that are in excess that the magnesium competes with than to add more
maybe saying it guarantees lock out was over stated

speaking in terms of veg ratios youd want to keep your 3:2:1 ratio K: Ca : Mg

flower you can lean toward 4:2:1.... but with this formula and with that much N 120ppm I assume we are looking at this as a veg formula

but that mix leaves the magnesium at only 25ppm with the calcium at 100ppm (only requiring 70ppm)and the K at 170ppm (only requiring 120ppm)

you would need to raise your magnesium up to 50ppm to get half the calcium

this would also push your sulfur up significantly

all equaling a combined excess of un-needed EC that only adds to salt build up.... especially at the EC you guys are running

the final formula has more than 30% more calcium and 30% more K than the ratio requires for veg

after you add the magnesium sulfate to get the magnesium up to 50ppm youll end up with 65ppm sulfur which isn't double
what the plants minimum requirements

you just don't need all that calcium, sulfur and K
if your experiencing magnesium def it would make more sense to lower the element that are in excess that the magnesium competes with than to add more
I'm running the numbers we discussed a couple of weeks ago. How do those ratios compare?
weve talked over so many formulas

tell me which it was and how much we said
It was these, and I said I was going to use them for awhile. I didn't say that about any other formulas;

2 parts 5-11-26 mix
2 parts calcium nitrate
1 part mag sulfate, aka epsom salts

2.5 parts mix
2 parts calcium nitrate
1 part epsom
.5 MKP, monopotassium phosphate

LATE BLOOM last 2 weeks
2.5 parts mix
1.6 calcium nitrate
.75 epsom
.75 MKP