jacks classic

Im using potting soil and ive got this fertilizer i bought called jacks classic. Has any one used this stuff before how good does it work? Let me know
YEAA BRO !, thas' sum good stuff...
i havent used any personally, but my friend riddleme uses it n he sed its good..youu mite wanna mix it with another brand tho..u dont have to. but its always better..u shuld probly mix it with both a "grow" n "bloom" nutets depending on where you are throughout your grow...
Thanks for the info i read that it was good somewhere else but i jus wanted another opinion n my plants about 3 weeks into is buddin cycle i got some pics of it if u wanna check em out. so wat ur sayin to do is mix some all purpose with my blossom booster rite?
people swear by it. If I was going to use a chemical fert that's what I would use. I want to try that for my next soil grow. There was a thread that had some greaqt information about how much to use and how much to mix. Do a search for it maybe you'll find it.
Well i definately think im stickin wit it then n as far as how much to mix in wit the water the instructions dont mislead u its 1/4 tsp or tbs per gallon er somethin lyk that everytime u water or 1/2 every other time but i stick with the 1/4 n no signs of burn or ne thing n i have been using the blossom boost for almost a month n it works great