Jack's Classic nutes - how much to give?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. I bought some Jack's Classic nutes and am wondering how to follow the directions.


The directions state 1/4 teaspoon per gallon for indoor plants and 1/2 teaspoon per gallon for outdoor plants. I am growing my plants indoors so the obvious answer would be to follow the directions for indoor plants. However, your average house plant isn't subjected to 16 hours of intense light a day and constant air flow. Does that matter? I'm guessing I'm out thinking things here, but I just wanted to check. It is better to give not enough rather than too much nutes, correct? What do you guys suggest?


Well-Known Member
that one is for bloom...
use all purpose for veg...
when i used it i would work upto 1 tbs in a 5 gallon bucket...
i would feed once a week...and leech salts every 3 weeks
i loved this stuff and i think im going to go back for soil grows....


Well-Known Member
I bought both and yes I know that all purpose is for the veg. I just searched on Amazon for the link and that's the first pic that popped up. Sorry about the confusion.


I fill up the scoop to the first small indented cup, not sure how much that is, and I mix that in about a gallon. Plants love it.
What is your water source/quality? well, tap, ro? what are your ppm/ec after mixing up jacks? I just made the switch and im eager get this going! I Have been using RO water and the reading are very different when mixing it in my ro compared to my normal well water. going to get my well water sampled to see what its made of.