Jacks classic citrus feed question

......so im not new to the stuff but its not complete, unless its used in a nutrient rich soil. But it definitely great stuff to use in a good soil that needs a boost after its depleted its nutes that it already has.

You got it. You have to take into account the nutrient charge in your soil. I used to mix some really hot custom soils that would take care of my plants from start to finish. It was more of a crap shoot that worked out....kinda like when I cook using my palms as measuring spoons for spices. One time I added so much blood meal you could smell the ammonia off gassing from the pot! Hah!
Yep, never found molasses to be of any benefit. Just like the health food biz, 99% of this stuff is the placebo effect. If chewing on a rock makes that flu bug go away, then chew on a rock. :)
As far as what I "pimp", I "help" the guys using the GH 3 part because I know it, I "help" the Lucas guys because I know it, I "help" the Jacks guys because I know it, I "help" the AN guys because I know it. You will not find a single post I have ever made knocking ANY nute line princess. As far as using it on pot...pretty sure I said I DO use it on the occasional plant I grow in soil but im a hydro guy where my plants rely 100% on my ability to supply them, as far as you schooling me, I dont recall that but what I do recall is you telling the hydro guys that Jacks dynamic duo would work for them, um sorry, it wont. As far as me being a know it all, what did I say thats not true again? My perlite hempys are inert, they supply nothing but what I give them, Jacks doesnt work well in them or else id be using it but it does work well in a good soil like my Dr. Earth potting mix that I use on all my soil plants that I mentioned previously that I sell cuttings of year round to supplement my income. I sell a minimum of 40 rooted night blooming jasmine cuts a week at $8 a foot and guess what I recommend feeding with? Heres a hint...not AN or GH.

I can guarantee you Jacks works in straight perlite because I've grown in straight perlite. Was a pain, and when it came time to transplant I threw it into soil less as I was tired of hand watering every day. I did this when I was out of HF and it did the trick. I know there are more efficient ways to water and what not, it was more of an experiment due to lack of an alternative. Couldn't keep the clones in the bucket forever
Right on. Why use over priced, watered down nutes? Shit the bottles and marketing costs more than the nutes.

I'm on the fence with most additives, and generally skeptical of anything without a proper label. I've done side by side with two clones molasses/control. Really couldn't tell a difference. I don't think it does any harm, and probably does help with beneficial bacteria.

I do use lightly silica and fulvic acid. Seem to help strengthen stems but I can't conclusively say it does.

Depends on if your nutrients you were using at the time actually have micronutrients in it anyway.
From what I know molasses works as feeding the micronutrients.

If you use AN I dont think it comes with any
You got it. You have to take into account the nutrient charge in your soil. I used to mix some really hot custom soils that would take care of my plants from start to finish. It was more of a crap shoot that worked out....kinda like when I cook using my palms as measuring spoons for spices. One time I added so much blood meal you could smell the ammonia off gassing from the pot! Hah!
Yep, seems a lot of people forget that buying expensive bags of soil is part of their nute regimine.
Yep, seems a lot of people forget that buying expensive bags of soil is part of their nute regimine.

Goddamn you are dense. Back up your claim or fuck off. I.grow with it, I've posted what's in the bag. You grow a plant start to finish with no additives with Happy Frog. She will yellow out before you even get to flower her.

The expense is minimal as i said. I get a giant fucking bag for $10. Buying three a year isn't that expensive. If I were larger scale I'd reassess my options but as I've said a million fucking times before my situation doesn't call for that nor am I unhappy with then product or price.

Million ways to skin a cat. Do what works for you just stop being a doss cunt
Goddamn you are dense. Back up your claim or fuck off. I.grow with it, I've posted what's in the bag. You grow a plant start to finish with no additives with Happy Frog. She will yellow out before you even get to flower her.

The expense is minimal as i said. I get a giant fucking bag for $10. Buying three a year isn't that expensive. If I were larger scale I'd reassess my options but as I've said a million fucking times before my situation doesn't call for that nor am I unhappy with then product or price.

Million ways to skin a cat. Do what works for you just stop being a doss cunt
Iv lost interest in the things you say because you honestly dont understand but il say it once again, Jacks is a great product for ammended soil, you say it has calcium but to mag, read the label and you will see you are wrong. You say happy frog is an inert, soilless mix, read the label and you will they say nutrient rich potting soil. You claim happy frog is mostly humus with a little worm castings, that is Light warrior, not happy frog. You claim to ammend your happy frog with lime because jacks has no mag and to that all I can say is um...no, close but not quite. You claim a persons soil is not part of their nute line yet the plant thrives in it for a month with nothing but water, its got plenty of nutes in it and you are supplementing it with Jacks. I understand you are trying to think for yourself for a change and I can appreciate that but just because you read every single post UB makes does not make you UB and im sorry to be the one to break that to you. Im not going to sit here and call you names so feel free to dispute the validity of my claims with conflicting info but please, atleast read the labels of the products you use and figure out whats in them first.
[h=1]Light Warrior Grow Medium[/h]
Light Warrior® High Yield is specially designed to enhance root development and encourage greater nutrient uptake by the plants. It contains the powerful root stimulators mycorrhizae fungi and humic acid, biological catalysts that interact with micro nutrients to make them easily available to the plant. Our ultra premium blend has been pH adjusted to 6.3 - 6.8 to ensure optimum nutrient availability. Start feeding within five days of
[h=1]Happy Frog Soil[/h]
Your potted plants deserve the best. Their roots can’t seek out nutrients in the ground, so you have to bring it to them. Happy Frog® Soil is alive with beneficial microbes and fungi that help break down organic matter and feed the plant roots. Between the earthworm castings, the bat guano, and the composted forest humus, your container plants have never felt so good.
I have been using Citrus FeED for a while now.
Start to finish, it is the only thing I feed my plants with.
I use ProMixBX amended with vermiculite and perlite as wellas dolomite lime.
I feed with every watering and use from ¼ teaspoon to 1 fullteaspoon depending on the plant.
Works quite well as it keeps ‘em green till harvest, and happens to be very simple.
I can guarantee you Jacks works in straight perlite because I've grown in straight perlite. Was a pain, and when it came time to transplant I threw it into soil less as I was tired of hand watering every day. I did this when I was out of HF and it did the trick. I know there are more efficient ways to water and what not, it was more of an experiment due to lack of an alternative. Couldn't keep the clones in the bucket forever
I grow in straight perlite
Have three seasons of growing outdoor in pots with Jacks using (experimenting) the following variants:

All Purpose (20-20-20)
Citrus (20-10-20)
Tomato Feed (12-15-30)
Bloom Booster (10-30-20)

Will save everyone the time and say that the best yield was done using the schedule below:

Early Veg - Citrus
Mid Veg - Citrus w/Tomato every 2nd feed
Late Veg - Tomato w/Citrus every 2nd feed
Bloom (All stages) - Tomato

This past years grow didn’t even bother with All Purpose or Bloom as Citrus has optimal veg npk ratio but lacks calcium which is only found in Tomato.

Note: I start all pots (half in 5-gal, half in 10-gal) using the prior years soil albeit rejuvenated with gaia green all purpose and bloom mix. I have grown using the same soil cycling since 2019 and find that it works very well for my rooftop patio. Saves me the hassle of lugging a ton of soil up and down each year never-mind the material costs.