Jack's 321 Questions

I used to use the Aminos too but found my plants slowed down their grow speed. Now I only use the AA in my foliars.

I'm following a Canadian that's in the same boat as you, unable to track down good materials up there and getting murdered with shipping charges from CHN. You can track down certain salts up there, but ultimately you're going to either have to bite the bullet and pay the insane shipping charges to get the materials, or keep buying branded nutes. IMO, your best bet is to just get Megacrop Vegan and either Greenway Calmag, or Botanicare calmag if you don't mind buying water, but both have the same formulation except one is wet, the other dry. Those 2 products alone will set every grower straight. I am very impressed with my reformulation of MC with CM.
Thanks. Yea, I just double checked; shipping insane at CHN.
Ever used/hear of this (I'm sure you have) "Polyphosphate" 5-31-40 stuff? CHN has some interesting phosphorus products, and other stuff.
When you call it Megacrop Vegan, you mean Megacrop.. V2.5 or the current formula stuff?
Did I ask what sort of nutrient profile, or targets are you aiming for or do you like?
-When you mix kelp/fulvic/humic/(amino) what ratio do you mix them at?
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Thanks. Yea, I just double checked; shipping insane at CHN.
Ever used/hear of this (I'm sure you have) "Polyphosphate" 5-31-40 stuff? CHN has some interesting phosphorus products, and other stuff.
When you call it Megacrop Vegan, you mean Megacrop.. V2.5 or the current formula stuff?
Did I ask what sort of nutrient profile, or targets are you aiming for or do you like?
-When you mix kelp/fulvic/humic/(amino) what ratio do you mix them at?

No, never heard of Polyphos....
Megacrop's 3rd formula is called Vegan (9-6-17), and if you calculate 5grams of the MCV plus 5ml of Botanicare Calmag, those results are what I set my targets to and my plants love it.
I mix the fulvic/humic blend according to instructions, 1/4 TSP/Gal. The amino is the same, though I halve that dose to not go down a familiar road.


The first one is Em Dog, both of the pair are Pineapple Chunk. The plants in croutons eat emulated Megacrop Vegan. The soil plant, I'm experimenting with reverse engineering high brix soil.
Makes sense. You have a list of the micros you like to use?

In my 420 tutorial, on the top of page 3 is a Bil Of Materials with links to everything, but generally it's

Boric Acid
Sodium Molybdate
Manganese EDTA
Copper EDTA
Sodium Benzoate (preservative that prevents an algae outbreak in the micro concentrates)

With those, I can make ANY micro nutrient formula, and once you have a micro concentrate, hitting your macro targets is flawless. So then it's like 2 different regimens, micros and the other shit. Sulfur doesn't matter at all, just not below 25, but beyond that, it's only your NPK, Ca & Mg. Those are easy to target once the micros have been worked out.
Here's what I make now. FYI, for every gallon I make, I add 3.8ml of micro concentrate per gallon. When I work out my micros, I no longer consider them in hydro buddy.

MC Vegan w CalMage.JPG

And here's one where I tried to resolve the above targets, but using only the GH 3 part. It came fairly close, but the point is to demonstrate how to make Megacrop with GH.

MC from GH.JPG
Megacrop's 3rd formula is called Vegan (9-6-17)
Interesting, I've never heard it called that (megacrop "vegan"). 9-6-17 is not what they say their *current* formulation is though. I checked and they have a thread on og forums as well. That's the npk from one of the oldest packaging though. I don't even want to get into their labeling and nonsense though. It's a bit of a farce. Haha.
Hey Eveeyone great stuff here, i’m a Mac guy and can’t find hydro buddy that’s MAC compatible. any suggestions for a work around?

Many thanks


Hey Eveeyone great stuff here, i’m a Mac guy and can’t find hydro buddy that’s MAC compatible. any suggestions for a work around?

Many thanks


They have some MAC notes on this page... Hope it helps.

Dang. Involves compiling the source code.
Flashback to the 80's when I was compiling COBOL programs on mainframes.
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Interesting, I've never heard it called that (megacrop "vegan"). 9-6-17 is not what they say their *current* formulation is though. I checked and they have a thread on og forums as well. That's the npk from one of the oldest packaging though. I don't even want to get into their labeling and nonsense though. It's a bit of a farce. Haha.

It's kinda hard for me to ignore the word right there, but if it's helpful, we can just call it their 3rd formulation.

MegaCrop - Vegan.jpg
Hey Eveeyone great stuff here, i’m a Mac guy and can’t find hydro buddy that’s MAC compatible. any suggestions for a work around?

Many thanks



As far as I know, Hydro Buddy only runs on Windows or Linux, so if the Mac is all you have, you'll either need to install a "virtual machine" app on Mac and then run Windows on the VM, then you could use Hydro Buddy. Otherwise you could use the Excel Spreadsheets, but those, you'll have to individually validate the values of everything, as well as all related math associated with counting up elemental ppm which itself is not all that difficult. It's just tedious as the math does a lot of decimal calcs, but you you'll run into a lot of situations where you need to track down the density of liquid nutes or purity of solid nutes.

Me personally, I would take the VM route, install Windows on it, then use Hydro Buddy as everything was already structured properly by the creator (Daniel Fernandez).
I've been using this guy for individual products on a smaller scale (like 1lb bags) purchases.

I started with planted tanks but its all the same stuff.

That's a good start, though their products are extremely limited, so the potential is equally as limited. If you live in the lower 48, I'm hard pressed to find another distributor other than CustomHydroNutrients.com that has as extensive of a selection of plant food at such a cheap price per weight. Where CHN really hurts is their shipping charges. They are more than the materials being bought. Shipping fees aside, CHN has not only all of my hydro salts, but a shit ton of natural amendments for soil such as Planters II and Soil Menders Minerals Plus. Aside from peat moss, perlite and worm castings, I can get everything else needed to make high brix soil from CHN.
That's a good start, though their products are extremely limited, so the potential is equally as limited. If you live in the lower 48, I'm hard pressed to find another distributor other than CustomHydroNutrients.com that has as extensive of a selection of plant food at such a cheap price per weight. Where CHN really hurts is their shipping charges. They are more than the materials being bought. Shipping fees aside, CHN has not only all of my hydro salts, but a shit ton of natural amendments for soil such as Planters II and Soil Menders Minerals Plus. Aside from peat moss, perlite and worm castings, I can get everything else needed to make high brix soil from CHN.
I hear ya. Ordered some magphos and haifa cal-nit for my xmas stocking. Lucky me, the shipping was only half the cost of the salts I ordered. :roll:
Worth it.