Jackpot or not?


Active Member
Was given a bunch of brand new equipment that was purchased in 2012 but never used. Haven't done an inventory but I count 9 - Aquamist 1 32 4" cup units. Looks like I have 5 - XXXtreme 8" hoods and I am betting the lights and ballasts to go with them. Lots of other boxes I haven't looked at.

Is it worth looking at setting up with this equipment or is it totally outdated?? I think everything was purchased at the time to get a small hydro setup going.
Throw it out and get the latest and greatest or you'll just grow sticks with that old fashioned crap.

You can send it to 123 Main St., BumF**k, Alberta for safe disposal and recycling. ;)

I'll take care of it for you. No charge. rotflmao.gif
Set it up, and work your magic.

Can other better equipment get a seasoned grower an extra 5-10 percent, sure.

Doe's it matter in your situation, not really. Does it matter in a seasoned growers situation, a little.

- Jiji