Jack the Ripper, Ketama, Afghan Kush Supersoil Grow in Autopots

Thanks C.Indica.

Daft - I haven't measured the JTR lately but I guess she's around 32 inches. I know I only have 35 inches of space between the top of the pots and the light. She's about 3 inches from the light. It's on a mover so I can get the plants pretty close. They're all in 4 gallon pots.
Nice update bruddah!! These look great... especially the JTR. I love that plant despite never growing it... it just looks so... so... SATIVA! I bet she's a winner despite any pollination that may have happened.

As for the LED alien glow, lol. I think part of what you're not liking is the color temp in those shots? The blueness? If that happens to be the case, you can adjust it "in camera" by setting your color balance setting to Flash, OR when you're on your computer downloading the shots and using whatever program you use to process your images, you can normally add some yellow color wise. Sometimes you can do an auto correct, and then warm that up a little bit more, as auto correct is normally just a good starting point (and sometimes it just fuks things up more than anything else-- depending.)

If, however, you are looking for something a bit more organic feeling, I'd say you can never go wrong with natural light... just throw your plant near an open window, and put something black a foot or two behind it (big poster board works well) that is not in the window light as much so it really blackens up. Assuming that your window is to camera left, then throw a big piece of white poster board to camera right in order to help bounce some light back in, and open up your shadows so that they are not as harsh. But honestly, that ring flash kicks ass, dude. Just warm it up some-- and send that alien packing! ;)
Yathatsmine-- you're absolutely correct, the fotos kick ass. But it's not the camera that makes them good-- it's the photographer ;)

And that's Bobo's tip of the day.

Bobo - you rock! Thanks for the tips. You're right that I want a more organic look. I can't really get the plant near a window since there are no windows in the shed. I'll try playing around with the camera controls to see what that does for me. I've pretty much just been shooting on autopilot. Might as well see what those fancy settings are there for...

Check out the section on White Balance in your manual. That should help. If you have a work light, and it looks like you do by your other pics, then you can always point that at the ceiling of your shed and let that create a more subtle ambient light, too. You'll probably find yourself needing a tripod if your doing that though, as your exposures will be a little long for hand holding.

Anyway, I've gotta run. Mrs Bobo just bought a new picture frame, and we have a nice big print to put in it. I get to go cut the window matte-- fun! Later!
Excellent tips once again Bobo. Thanks a million times over. Time to go geek out on the camera manual. Can't believe I'm reading a camera manual. What is happening to me?!?!:shock:
that afghan looks better than any of the dna pure afghan i grew, i think i might have gotten unlucky, which breeder you obtain it from or is it from clone?
Thanks omg. It is World of Seeds AK. I enjoyed growing her. Assuming I like the high profile I will probably run her again.
I'm not going to call this a smoke report because the buds are still drying and I just sampled some finger hash. I'll do a proper report after she cures.

Yesterday I sat in a conference room for 6 hours and then on a plane for another 3 hours. Days like that totally wreck my back. My Dairy Queen krispy treats made the flight bearable. But when I got home around 9pm I was ready for some relief. The reason I grew the AK was for nighttime pain relief and sleep aid. I figured I may as well give the scissor hash a test. I smoked a small ball of hash out of the bong. The high came on a little slow at first with a nice sense of euphoria out of the gates. Initially all head and no body. I smoked and went right to bed to do some stretching. After about 10 minutes the head became pretty clear and the buzz moved to my body. A nice numbing effect developed that sort of wrapped my body in comfort. A while later the head buzz shifted to a sleepy state that allowed me to drift off with a smile on my face. Next thing I knew the alarm clock was waking me for work.

Initial impression = good. I'm not sure about the potency at this point but I do like the effect. I'm going to make some tincture from the trimmings next and see what that does for me..
I know most people dont want to grow autoflowers, but if you really want some herbal ambien, try Blue Himalaya diesel from Short stuff seeds (best auto breeder imo), that stuff put me to sleep. They have a new auto called "Doctor feelgood" and it is supposed to be His best medicinal autoflower. The breeder is pretty legit, he's got threads on the autoflower network and online. Stitch is his name, i believe he owns Flash seeds or atleast is one of their main breeders, along with breeding for Short stuff seeds.