Jack Herer Grow


Well-Known Member
This is my first outdoor grow that's bigger than the small half size RDWC space I was using before. It's a Jack Herer strain whose roots got tangled with a dandelion weed. I had left it alone for several months in a 3 gallon felt pot and caged it. Then one day, I looked outside and saw it growing and thought it was a mail but it had the weirdest looking flower. Then it dawned on me that it was 2 plants growing out of the same pot and root system. I got pissed and ripped the weed out of the soil at the rootzone. An hour later, all the leaves on what was left of the plant wilted. So I got some water, superthrive, and epsom salts, mixed it together and fed the mix to her. The next day, she was back to normal, with her leaves perking up. I cut away a couple of stems that weren't as enthusiastic about getting themselves up and about and started my grow with this:


I was left with 5 main stalks so I decided to LST so that the 4 lower branches would ring around the middle thin stalk. I injected the roots with the last of my Orca myco bottle and propped up the middle stalk. So this is what it looked like a week later.


I began to feed it a light diet of a mix of Botanicare food and supplements. This is what it looked like the week after.

Week 4 Vege: I started topping it as much as i could and feeding it vege food along with some fish meal and seabird guano.

Week 5: It's a spidery little monster. As you can see above I took a stab at lollipopping it and trimming some of the under bush so i could create a canopy and let the good flow to the top and especially to fill in the middle stem.

Week 6: I started doing a flush and feed regimen 2x a week to control the soil PH to keep it in the 6-7 ph zone and to flush out any leftover salts from the last feed. I also let loose the bindings on the LST clips so that it could start growing upward. But that's where it began to branch out even more. Lots of tops.
Week 7 Vege: She's getting taller already passed the first level cage. I did another trim to smooth out her bush below. You can see the 5 stems coming out of the top soil.

Week 8: Forced transition to Bloom over the next 2 weeks because she's gonna get bigger in bloom. She's already gotta be about 3x3 all the way around. Her stems are thickening. I've been feeding her Silica Blast and she's been loving it.

Week 9 (Transition to Bloom): using Nutes to force her to transition to Bloom (yes it does work). 08252020.jpeg

Week 10: First signs of flowering. So well call this week 1 of flowering with 9 more to go.
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Week 11 (or Week 2 Bloom). I've been doing the same flushing 1 gallon of fresh tap water and alternating between bloom nutes and recharge since transition. So now were in flowering.

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Here's a side shot of it. It's getting tall.

Week 12 (or week 3 of Bloom): So far so good. Stalks are thickening and nodes are flowering tight and close to each other. Here's some extra shots to look at. Much fuller canopy.
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She's almost at the top of the cage.
Here's some node shots.
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Week 14 (4 of bloom):
She’s a real spidery one look at the number of braches sprouting in the back ring.
this Is her from the top
And this was a a standing side shot.
this was a branch I strung. Up higher to get moresolar power. The nodes are
Packed nicely but it wasn’t getting as much sun as the standing straight up bud branches. Like there’s a second canopy growing along side but under the top canopy. Any ideas? Would defoliating fuck it all up?
Well, found the main culprit that took advantage of the dry heat and wilting buds and me not taking my own advice weeks ago. Those little tiny caterpillars on almost each stalk i found at least one or two. Sprayed her down with BT last night and today and covered her with a plastic bag to avoid further sunburn and hoping the BT will kill off the little pillars in the shade. Fuck, there goes over half the harvest. I dont have the heart to kill her off and give up on her. She's like Digby to me.
What’s left of her after taking a lot of hot dry wind and heat wave with fresh new fires overnight. The leaf and buds were literally wilt to charred. 570D2EB7-87DF-42BF-9ED0-6BA15C7DFD2C.jpeg1497C66C-2379-4C6E-87AB-DE92AED2C757.jpeg1497C66C-2379-4C6E-87AB-DE92AED2C757.jpeg570D2EB7-87DF-42BF-9ED0-6BA15C7DFD2C.jpeg4A3D260F-4664-44E8-85E9-703A0BFB9379.jpeg750C7DAB-AD77-47CC-A578-9648AA4BF68E.jpeg
And then I found these little whore bearing caterpillars.
have you ever smoked jack herer? if not your in for a plesant surprise, its probably the strongest weed ive ever smoked well best couch lock weed. nice plant. good luck