Jack Harer (Sensi Seeds) - Genetics Cleared up?


Well-Known Member
Also, the best bred lines have more than 1 male and 1 female parent. Again, to preserve genes. Also to lessen the likelihood of negative recessives showing up.

If you take only two offspring from a line it is impossible for those plants to retain all the alleles of the parents. The odds are some will be duplicated from one side and you will end up missing important parts of the genetic puzzle.

You might consider reading RC Clarkes marijuana works and do a little basic genetics research. The info is out there. It's why a lot of breeders cringe at people doing line preservation with two plants.

You need, statistically, about 30 plants to expect to fully preserve a line. You can do a nice job with less but not much less.


I did do basic genetic research but there is so much conflicting info...Which leads me to believe a lot of it is bullshit. If all my seeds are high quality and produce medical grade herb i see no reason that the jack harer would change so drastically from just one generation. I guess I will know by trial an error

*Smoking jack harer while wondering if her offspring will carry over the same aroma and uplighting high.
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Well-Known Member
Thx i normally use grasscity but tried this site as it was more populr on google.
Speaking from a little experience, this community is much, much more pleasurable. Also, the knowledge to be obtained is vast (not that there isn't any helpful info on GC). Also, GC mods are very sensitive lol


I was hoping it was going to get me banned seeing how there is no delete account option in the setting pages. Grasscity said the same thing about you rollitup mods...So I thought if i called u a jackass the admin would be so kind as to gurry up and delete my account and info i wasted my time posting that helps no one....


OG i read the botany book by clarke. Its strays away from genetics and talks about hemp, fiber, laws, all the shit some amtuer writer would talk about to divert the real focus away. How that book has a high rating in amazon is beyond me. There is more opinion in that book than knowledge.

Cannabis seeds cannot be stored forever. <---It actually says this in the book. Nothing can be stored "Forever" So why even write this? Its just useless garbage.

If they are not planted every year a strain could be lost.<----What? Seeds can last thousands of years. It safe to say if proper stored they could last your lifetime. If they are not planted every year then a strain is not lost its sitting in a seed (safe i might add).

So after reading i lost interest very quickly.

Also talked about corn and fungus in the US. <---Lets compare small controlled canna growing to big commercial farms of corn so we have something to write in our book.
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Were did i claim that? I use grass city for most of my info and i wanted to join a community. Instead of joining GC i though mmmm mybe il try the most polular. Turns out the most popular is full of people talking out their ass.

Just cuz OG said it doesnt mean i did?


Well-Known Member
I was hoping it was going to get me banned seeing how there is no delete account option in the setting pages. Grasscity said the same thing about you rollitup mods...So I thought if i called u a jackass the admin would be so kind as to gurry up and delete my account and info i wasted my time posting that helps no one....
Bad case of thin skin. I see nothing but folks trying to help you....and a sore bum from you as a result. If you think this is bad you're best to show yourself to the door before you really get flamed.


Im a programmer i know the harsh reality of the internet thx tho.

What does that even mean? Bad case of thin skin? Are you talking out your ass too and providing nothing to the table. Im not surprised. And i looked for the door it doesnt exist moron.
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