Jack and the Beanstalk!!


Active Member
Hi all,

Decided to join and hopefully pick some of your well experienced growers brains.

I got some compressed weed from a mate and when I cracked it open I found one seed inside! I thought for a laugh I would plant it. I planted it in the same pot as an orchid that we had growing as I did not really have much hope on it growing. To my amazement it did grow. I don't have any grow space setup at all as this was really unexpected, so I have been putting it in the window to get as much light as possible.

To even more amazement the plant is a female, or so I can tell from the vast amounts of information in these forums! The problem that I have is it does not seem to be flowering / producing buds so I just really need to find out if there is any chance in hell I can get any smokable bud out of this plant or if I am wasting my time.

Some of the pistils went brown which I thought indicated the end of flowering but the plant is still producing new leaves and pistils everyday. I have attached some images so I hope that someone will be able to advise me on what to do to get some flowering going.

Thanks to everyone for all the information that they have posted so far it has been a very interesting and unexpected hobby thus far!!





Well-Known Member
nope, you need to allow the plant to get 12 hours of darkness every night for about 8 weeks. the darkness must be uninterupted. then you will get some buds to show up.


Active Member
put a black trash bag over it for 12 hours a day and put it in a dark closet. then back into light for 12 hours.


Active Member
Thanks ORECAL and Bonnaroo

I have started putting it in a cupboard from tonight so lets hope it will flower. I will keep you posted!

Do you think that I will need extra light or will normal daylight be enough if it starts to flower?


Well-Known Member
it may be enough, depending on how much light it acually gets, it does look a lil stretched, but who knows, you could always add more light, it doesn't hurt. if your able to stick it outside to get the light, that would obviously be the best.


Active Member
Hi all,

Just wanted to give you an update on the bud development.
As suggested I have been religiously sticking to 12hrs lights out every night.
It has been 5wks and 4 days so far and I am lead to believe that I should wait till 8 - 10wks for peak maturity.

I have uploaded some pics and any comments will be greatly appreciated.





Well-Known Member
you could be possibly the most lucky person ever... haha

you harvest the bud when most of the little hairs (trichromes) on the plant are amber in colour, not white.

to harvest it you cut all the leaves off
you hang it in a cool dark room
with constant fan circulation for 10 days
then put it all in glass jars (appropriate sizes)
the jars hafto be airtight and make sure that you open them and shuffle the buds 2 times a day.
this will prevent mould
you leave it in the class jar for 2 and a half weeks
that will turn all the non active chemicals into live THC.

MAKE SURE YOU DO THAT! you've been amazingly lucky uptil now so just finish it off. It'll be worth it!

your plant looks nice and healthy. peace