I've taken 1.7 g of shrooms. It was Amazing. double that? triple that?

Hey guys This is my first post ever in my entire life on any thread. I was wondering if anybody out here started they're first couple trips at around 1.7 grams and then escalated up each time they tripped? How was the 3.5 compared to the 1.7? I take 1.5 every time i trip and i have an amazing night. Never had any hallucinations though. I take molly all the time it's my favorite substance in the world but since there's the whole serotonin depletion thing (Don't want to fry my brain now haha) I'm gonna trip a little bit more than usual. I'm wondering if I should trip off an eighth. I get VERY high when I take a 1.7 almost to the point where it's too much high. My friends say That I'll get past that once I eat more, that that "too high" feeling is really just one of the stages and once I get past that stage It's an entirely different experience. my friends claim to hallucinate hardcore sometimes and I just sit there thinking "I'm so F&%^ing high it's ridiculous. Anyone ever eat a quarter?? Opinions are highly appreciated.

I ate 1/8 once(I think) trip some ballz but to busy throwing up my soul food back up....I shouldn't have pig out before hand.
I did around 9g's over the course of a few hours out at the bar.
Had the time of my life!

Always been a fan of mush :)
The dose really depends on how long it has been since you last dosed. I would wait a week 7 days before you dose again.If you are comfy where you are at when you dose and want it to go on I double down IE 3 g wait an hour then do 6.
dude, chill on the molly... swiss cheese brain is no fun...

I've taken TONS of shrooms... even some straight off the dung in a cow field...probably ate up to a half in one day...not the brightest idea since it is poison...

3.5 should get you good for 2-3 trips... brew into tea if you want more visuals.
I vomit profusely at the end of every trip.... not uncommon

stay away from the man made stuff though...shit slows you down later in life...it's no fun
ive ate 4 grams and took 5 hits of acid my first time lol it was awesome except I got lost in the woods for a long time....... if u are not comfortable with uping the dosage I wouldn't till u r ready bad thoughts equal bad trips atleast that's what I think
I just wanted to thank all of you for respecting me and not being mean about this alot of threads i saw people aree not nice haha, also thank you @seerockcty i am chilling on the molly real soon, i just wanna go take it a couple more times and then I'm off for a couple months
my birthdays in april after that adios molly
We used to take a qp...in a pot w about 2 cups of water...smash n boil smash n boil for bout an hour...strain it n get about 4 shot glasss of black thick shroom juice...id say an oz in each shot equivalent. ...make u trip so hard u couldnt talk....thats trippin:)