Ive lost all my mates to cocaine


Well-Known Member
sometimes when i smoke a cigarette now i get a quick taste of crack or coke. i guess from all the nights of smokin like 3 packs a night while geeked out haha.


Well-Known Member
Coke tastes sooooo fucking yummy smells like cleaning products though I wonder why...lol but Coke is a boring drug


Active Member
So I understand where your at and that sucks and I can tell you that when this happend to me I was pissed and didn't want to talk to anyone, but then I myself was in the opposite position, it wasn't coke it was oxy's but it was just as bad. I had never tried them and I got a job at a telecenter and this girl there just outta no where asked me if I wanted to buy some, She was hot I wanted to get to know her so I said dure and it wasn't even fair oxy's make everything easier better and made me feel great. It wasn't untill I was broke that I even thought about quiting and then after I finally kicked it for like 4 days I was cleaning out my car and found 1 single 80mg pill on the ground and it was less then to minutes till I took it. Glad to say now I've kicked partially because I wanted to but mostly because she lost her job and moved, so it turned out lucky for me I don't know anyone else whos got it.

Now I only use weed.

But oxi was even more addicting to me then coke.


Active Member
Yeah better to not talk about them cause you remember the good stuff about them. I didn't even spend a year but its fresh for me cause it has only been alittle over a year.


Well-Known Member
Yeah better to not talk about them cause you remember the good stuff about them. I didn't even spend a year but its fresh for me cause it has only been alittle over a year.
it is good you quit on your own. i am in a treatment program right now. if i couldnt find one i would ride around town for like 8 hours with crack heads and pretty much homeless people til we scored. i am better now lol.:hump:


Active Member
Yeah I guess its alright to talk about, but its hard to look at the rest of my life and say I'll never take them again I don't even believe that. I just wonder if it would ever be something I could control. I doubt it, they are too good. Where as coke never really did it for me not saying it was one and done but it didn't really have the hold, plus it got cut with to many things, I watched a guy cut 50 50 with asprin something that was probably already cut.


Well-Known Member
i LOVE the stuff. i like it way more than weed. but its sooo expensive and addictive. I only do it when its free now.


Active Member
Just a free tip... while I was prescribed Wellbutrin (Bupropion) I noticed a GREAT reduction for my nicotine and coke cravings.

I would actually do a couple of lines with very poor results; couldn't get high.

It seems Bupropion blocks the same receptors (or very similar for that matter) that coke stimulates. Zyban, used to quite smoking contains the same active ingridient, Bupropion.

It does work and saved my ass from falling deeper into a nasty habit..

Not I don't do drugs... neither...

Weed is just part of a balanced nutrition that all mammals should follow!


Well-Known Member
that stuff is crazy. i never tried it and dont plan on it. everyone says the high is good but that shit is so addictive. cocaine and heroin both have a 75% chance of relapse. so you only got a 25% chance of getting off that shit. no way. im happy with weed and dont see any reason to look for anything else.


Well-Known Member
dont even start man i was lucky.... we all stop'd and yeah its all cool .... ;)

Mr Kush

Active Member
Damn man I know what that's like, I've been in that situation myself. I had a few close friends in high school who had turned to coke. We'd been friends since we were kids. It's so scary seeing people you care about and people who had always been their for you turn on you like that all triggered by some stupid drug addiction. They lost their friends, family and a couple of them lost their lives too.

That alone has always stopped me from taking any of it. I've never had any desire for man made drugs though. The herb is the only one for me.