Ive lost all my mates to cocaine

mr j2

Well-Known Member
my aunt just got out of rehab for coke, it's no good. Tell them that coke is not something to do on a regular basis, it's addictive, and it's just bad. Tell em to pack another bowl with you and chill out with the hardcore drugs


Well-Known Member
I've tried coke once....the high was decent but not something i would want to make a habit of.


Well-Known Member
all my high school friends are hooked on dope. so i smoke by myself drink by myself oooeeeooo, by my god damn self.

Stoners With Guns

Active Member
fuck it dude, i was in/part of your situation not too long ago. i had to bail out of my living situation about a year ago. all I can do is stress the fact that nobody go's through their life getting blown every night and lives to talk about it. its a shity situation but the best you can do is cut them off, to save your self.
when we were slang'n that shit i was supprised at how manny "friends" actualy turned into customers. customers = feinds, calls at 3:00 in the morning. big supprise i was still up. its just a shity sceen to be around. do your self a favor and find some new people to blaze with, were everyware.


Well-Known Member
fuck it dude, i was in/part of your situation not too long ago. i had to bail out of my living situation about a year ago. all you can do is stress the fact that nobody go's through there life getting blown every night. its a shity situation but the best you can do is cut them off, to save your self.
when we were slang'in that shit i was supprised at how manny "friends" actualy turned into customers. customers = feinds, calls at 3:00 in the morning. big supprise i was still up. its just a shity sceen to be around.
thats so fucking true man ! Damn, if u get the wrong guy's u end up with cuts :D but there money ^^


Well-Known Member
not to mention your ''friends'' would come over and youd end up having a lot less than before they dropped by . stuff goes missing , things turn sketchy. good drug , bad name, empty pockets.


i too have lost all my friends to coke (crack) before, except i was the using friend. i say either chill by yourself or find some new people to smoke with, dont avoid the old friends though, just let them know why you wont hang out with them and coke. my buddies would still come by, but if i was high they would just shake their head and leave (cause you cant hide being all coked out). dont just desert them though, not if they are really friends; trust me they'll need you and your support to quit.

Stoners With Guns

Active Member
thats so fucking true man ! Damn, if u get the wrong guy's u end up with cuts :D but there money ^^
not to mention your ''friends'' would come over and youd end up having a lot less than before they dropped by . stuff goes missing , things turn sketchy. good drug , bad name, empty pockets.
well seems like we've been in the same situation. i didnt even mention every body hitting you up for nugs the day after. that pretty much the only benefit. if your slang'in or if you have no friends and like leeches


Well-Known Member
all the young bucks i grew up with are thinning out the herd with natural selection. dropping like flies.


Well-Known Member
fuck it dude, i was in/part of your situation not too long ago. i had to bail out of my living situation about a year ago. all I can do is stress the fact that nobody go's through their life getting blown every night and lives to talk about it. its a shity situation but the best you can do is cut them off, to save your self.
when we were slang'n that shit i was supprised at how manny "friends" actualy turned into customers. customers = feinds, calls at 3:00 in the morning. big supprise i was still up. its just a shity sceen to be around. do your self a favor and find some new people to blaze with, were everyware.
i def hate when they call in the middle of the night asking me if i have a hit they can get, fuck those basterds


Well-Known Member
all the young bucks i grew up with are thinning out the herd with natural selection. dropping like flies.
Fosho, ya my and my friend were hella baked and we were talking about the same thing, all the losers that have no control are gonzo out of the area n on the streets now


Well-Known Member
Fosho, ya my and my friend were hella baked and we were talking about the same thing, all the losers that have no control are gonzo out of the area n on the streets now
yep robbing stealin, and livin with their mommas and not working. chasin that shit in the streets sun up til sun down. dont get me wrong i am not perfect and done a little dirt before. but you cant live your whole life that way and expect to grow old.:mrgreen:

Stoners With Guns

Active Member
i too have lost all my friends to coke (crack) before, except i was the using friend. i say either chill by yourself or find some new people to smoke with, dont avoid the old friends though, just let them know why you wont hang out with them and coke. my buddies would still come by, but if i was high they would just shake their head and leave (cause you cant hide being all coked out). dont just desert them though, not if they are really friends; trust me they'll need you and your support to quit.
dude thats so true about not avoiding friends. just expres how you feel about their downword spiral. i'm very glad that alot of my friends didnt write me off. some did but thats theire own jugemental deal. alot of them christian, not that i have anyting wrong with it, but we grew up together and they dont realise how easy that shit comes around when your in the game. the best you can do is stress the fact that its a "BITCH" of a habit forming drug and its all down hill from here. plane and simple.

t dub c

Well-Known Member
Now if only all the young people would read this thread and accually think about it before they start off busting lines every night. No one accually listens until its happening or happened to them. thats the prob. live life.

smoke two joints

Well-Known Member
i myself have done coke once, i cant really say i enjoyed it seeing i didnt really have enough for it to take effect, altough i can say that i dont intend to try it ever again, its all natural for me. :bigjoint: