Ive got Bananas??? What do I do?


Active Member
I dont have pictures, but the problem is 100% what is referred to as "bananas". I do know they are a pollen correct??? The problem has started on my Sour Diesel plants only. It is occurring just behind the smaller buds right at the base of the bud. I have a perpetual flower room so the plants have been in flower for different amounts of time. I am working on trimming the most mature one right now and have found bananas behind like 50% of the smaller buds. What is happening? Why is it happening? And what do I do to stop it? They are in 5 gals soil, roots organic, fed with fox farm. I have no light leaks and no other forms of stress that I can find. 2000w of light. Any help is greatly appreciated!!


Well-Known Member
Some are genetically inclined as a survival method. Pluck em. Single nanners or male buds?


Active Member
single nanners is all ive found thus far. No male buds that ive seen. the nanners seem to come in pairs though. if they dont appear to be open....then they probably didnt release any pollen right? aas far genetics...ive been running this strain for more than a yr but the issue just started on about the last 5 plants.