I've got a tip for other new growers.

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
Take notes. Get a notebook, use the notes app on your phone, whatever works.

I imagine a lot of experianced growers do this. Especially indoors when growing in hydro or other more complex setups where they want to do the exact same thing each cycle, but it never occurred to me the first year.

I started keeping a log this year for each of my 3 strains and it has helped a lot. I can use it to reference when trying to solve problems and I imagine I'll use it next season when I find my self saying "what date did I put my plants out last year?" Or "how much calmag will I need this season?"

I just make simple notes for each group of Plants. Like what day I watered, what day I transplanted, what day I applied bug sprays, how much fertilized I used and when I used it. Etc.

Even little things could come in handy for solving future problems. Noticed some yellow leaves today?, make a quick note, plant was a little wilted today and needed some extra water? Make a quick note of it.

If you run into a problem and start a thread asking for help, you be able to say "I first noticed these yellow leaves starting on August 18th, and I also fed my plants fertilizer the day before that" instead of "umm maybe a week?"

I also make little notes of my bug spray recipes, soil recipes, and fertilizer recipes so i can reproduce them again if they work out, or figure out where I went wrong if they don't.

Last year I didn't do this and at times I couldn't remember things. I found myself asking, did I water with plain water last? Or did I use fertilizer? Did I water on Monday? Or was that Tuesday? Or I'll ask my wife "hey honey was my blue dream flowering last year by this time?" But she just looks at me like I'm retarded.

As my grow progresses I plant to note thing like harvest date for each strain. If I grow them again, I'll have a idea of when to harvest them next season. Drying time and temprature might come in handy for next year as well.

FYI: For those of you growing in non medical states. Be careful of what and how you document things just in case. Maybe use a code or write notes about your tomato plant. You could even keep your notes online in say an email account that nobody knows about. Also for everyone, I would advise against documenting and kind of names, weights, or prices (if that's your thing). We don't want the 5-0 getting any crazy ideas.

Just my 2 cents really, but it's been helpful for me this season.

For the more experienced growers out there, what kind of notes do you keep? Or is it all committed to memory?

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
Don't Scare Non-Meds out of tho posting LOL...
But GOOD ADVICE BRO... Document your grow for the first 3 years... after that it will be second nature. I still keep grow logs after almost 10yrs growing. Thanks yo

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
Don't Scare Non-Meds out of tho posting LOL...
But GOOD ADVICE BRO... Document your grow for the first 3 years... after that it will be second nature. I still keep grow logs after almost 10yrs growing. Thanks yo
Oh I'm not trying to discourage non-meds from posting here. Hell start a log here on this site if you want to. Just saying be careful what they have on paper in their homes just in case. The cops will use a piece of paper with some names and weights on it to make you look like some kind of dope kingpin in court.


Well-Known Member
I was growing so long before it was legal it became second nature to never write anything down, now it's just habit. Hard to break old habits, so I started keeping grow threads here!:lol:


Well-Known Member
I write mine down for the grow and discard after its done. It's a great way to see how a type grows and takes to certin feeding levels and and growing styles.


Well-Known Member
Yea I started a written log and a video log to how the plant visually and show when they started flowering and all that good stuff I jus wrote on the pots the different soil and strains to see the difference and that's pretty much it my first grow

jessica d

Well-Known Member
yes and videos are excellent to replay what you did when baked last wk lol shows you everything including bug action if you have good cameras. i would be carefull guerilla style tho.


Virtually Unknown Member
I was growing so long before it was legal it became second nature to never write anything down, now it's just habit. Hard to break old habits, so I started keeping grow threads here!:lol:
Once again good advice from a master. Remember folks, nobody ever thinks they will be busted and all this documented "stuff" can be used against you as evidence of continuing criminal activity especially if asset confiscation and forfeiture is involved. Just my 2cW.


Well-Known Member
notes are a good idea - I record outside temperatures to serve as planting guidelines... I also love taking weekly photos - should give you a good idea if everything is on track or not.


Well-Known Member
I personally don't keep a log (though I should) I am glad however that I used photos to document last years grow (later half at least). I've labeled the photos by date, I have found myself referencing the growth stages from last year.


Well-Known Member
Not trying to sound condescending, but I thought this was common practice/sense. I just use a calendar and jot down abbreviated notes, especially watering and feeding times and amounts. I wouldn't think about starting to grow as a noob without doing this. Maybe after I've gained the experience and skills then I might not write things down. Probably a good idea to at least keep a written schedule of watering and feeding- the older you get the easier it is to forget things.:peace: