I've gathered as much info as possible.. now just a few questions for the experts


Well-Known Member
sweet!! lol
i cant tell you the amount of times i did searches on eBay and that type of timer never came up! :wall:

thanx bro just added to my wishlist :)
i have a little extra room in my clone/mother room so i'd take any recommendations as far as a light that would be sufficient and not break my pockets at the same time lol

you should check out "quantum badboy T5 lighting" i like to use T5's ..they make them in all kind's of sizes. they can get a little expensive though. you could sell some clones to make the money back....as far as nutes veg stage doesn't demand as much as the flowering stage. sensi grow 2 part from advanced nute are pretty good with some cal-mag. all u really need is the sensi grow for the mothers. also before you take clones from ur mother flush her with clean plain ph balanced water to drain out excess nitrogen, it helps the clones root easier.
i came across this info in Al B. Fuct's harvest every 2 weeks (SOG) thread..

"The idea is to grow only the top cola of a naturally growing plant with none of the lower branches and the small buds those branches produce. All branching, pretty much everything on the lower 1/3 of the plant, is snipped off in about wk 2 & 3."
i've heard of the BOG system...if u have 8 plants, u'd put 2 plants in the flower room every 2 weeks and harvest 2 plants every 2 weeks...it's time consuming though "Bushy Old Grower" system, i use it on a slightly larger scale, harvesting 6 every 2 weeks all in dwc bubble buckets gettin 35gm ave. off each plant. the yeild on dirt is usually lower.

during the first 2 weeks of flowering, i trim off all lower buds that don't get any light. cause they usually are whispy and contribute nothing to the harvest, it also lets the plant focus on makin the other buds bigger and better.
ahh i see.. well i'll have each batch flowering for 6-8 weeks, which gives me enough time to root/top/recover my clones in my 24/0 floro room..
guess i'll just have to get my timing down!
yep it's all about timing.....takes about two weeks to clone, once roots show veg it for 1-2 more weeks and top them, then let them veg 2-3 more weeks and they should be ready to throw in the flower room, that would be a six week cycle. you could wait till ur two weeks in on the flower room to take clones, to make it a eight week cycle.


Well-Known Member
yep it's all about timing.....takes about two weeks to clone, once roots show veg it for 1-2 more weeks and top them, then let them veg 2-3 more weeks and they should be ready to throw in the flower room, that would be a six week cycle. you could wait till ur two weeks in on the flower room to take clones, to make it a eight week cycle.
thanks for all your info! its much appreciated :-D