I've Done DWC For 17 Years!


Well-Known Member
all the details you need are here......................"17 years....never one failure."
Mr? really?

William Wonder

Well-Known Member
OK, I just spent about an entire hour writing a very detailed post to respond to hegemon and then for some reason lost it. the site just froze and it dumped. So before I proceed I must make some things clear.
I DO NOT know how to use this forum and until I do and am familiar with it I will not post any pictures. I cannot even post words. I cannot proceed on your time schedule at your demand. I did that for 5 years 12 years ago where I introduced DWC or water culture online to Overgrow. I was the first to show DWC online at Overgrow.

There seems to by more ways to reply in this forum then I can figure out. 1. You can post a quick repley..ok...2. You can hit reply...ok is there a reason for this? I don't get it. Then there is repley to thread on the left, yet another option. How are these options different?
Jesus Christ, I've never seen such a confusing set-up.


Well-Known Member
Just hit POST QUICK REPLY or REPLY. Its all the same thing. I never use the REPLY WITH QUOTE. GO ADVANCED is useful when uploading pictures.

.........Dude if you've been teaching people about DWC via the internet but you can't post pictures to a forum? I find that contradicting.


New Member
So.. this guy cannot figure out a simple pretty much standardize forum mechanics, but has DWC figured out and yielding 8-9oz per plant.. hmm is this slingblade?


Well-Known Member
So.. this guy cannot figure out a simple pretty much standardize forum mechanics, but has DWC figured out and yielding 8-9oz per plant.. hmm is this slingblade?
But you spent 5 years as the dwc guru at overgrow.com, surely you must have posted a pic or two. I'm glad you have a long successful track record. Your 17 years of dirt cheap hydro should serve as a reminder to keep it simple.


Well-Known Member
It's been ten years...don't bother Sub. It's simple. Grab a 7 gallon rubber maid or sterlite tub. Both manufactures make the right size. When you fill it with 5 gallons of solution it comes up about 4.5". This is important and these are very hard to find these days but Ebay has them. Now listen--->99% of all 4" pots are made to thin these days. Everyone is cheaping out but you can still find them if you look. You need 4" pots that are 4.5" tall and cut the bottom off. Turn it upside down and place the 4 x 4 x Rockwool cube on top. The bottom of the 4" pot has two cuts that the 1/4 air hose slides through and holds it in place. The rockwool stand(4 inch pot) holds the airline down. The water level comes up just past the bottom of the cube. The tub is coverered with tin foil. It is so cheap and simple no other hydro system can beat it. I can't tell DWC people this enough. PLEASE NO AIR STONES! NEVER air stones! You are sabotaging your system. Does this site host pics? I'm not talking photo-bucket.

Really no airstones huh!!!!!
I guess my 11 oz off of one plant using a micro-pore diffuser,i must have sabotaged my grow......:lol:


Well-Known Member
So.. this guy cannot figure out a simple pretty much standardize forum mechanics, but has DWC figured out and yielding 8-9oz per plant.. hmm is this slingblade?
Theres people here in my city that cant work a cell phone let alone a computer yet grow the most magnificent fruits, veggies and plants you'll ever see.


OK, I just spent about an entire hour writing a very detailed post to respond to hegemon and then for some reason lost it. the site just froze and it dumped. So before I proceed I must make some things clear.
I DO NOT know how to use this forum and until I do and am familiar with it I will not post any pictures. I cannot even post words. I cannot proceed on your time schedule at your demand. I did that for 5 years 12 years ago where I introduced DWC or water culture online to Overgrow. I was the first to show DWC online at Overgrow.

There seems to by more ways to reply in this forum then I can figure out. 1. You can post a quick repley..ok...2. You can hit reply...ok is there a reason for this? I don't get it. Then there is repley to thread on the left, yet another option. How are these options different?
Jesus Christ, I've never seen such a confusing set-up.

Please retype it! Or PM me so we can chat about it? So many questions...


~Chew the fat and spit the bones... applies to personalities you meet too.~


Active Member
i thought heath robinson introduced RDWC on overgrow? i dont use rooting solution eityher i dont even ph the water just pre soak rock wool cubes and bang them under my light, 2 weeks we have roots, i wanna see this william wonder set up im about to change mine again to somethin similar using vert lighting and i plan to be pulling 20 oz + girls from it, using a pollytank 200L and a 4 gallon drilled out bucket, basicly a giant recirc waterfarm, but better!

and yeah there will be pics before some one says it lol


New Member
i thought heath robinson introduced RDWC on overgrow? i dont use rooting solution eityher i dont even ph the water just pre soak rock wool cubes and bang them under my light, 2 weeks we have roots, i wanna see this william wonder set up im about to change mine again to somethin similar using vert lighting and i plan to be pulling 20 oz + girls from it, using a pollytank 200L and a 4 gallon drilled out bucket, basicly a giant recirc waterfarm, but better!

and yeah there will be pics before some one says it lol
Pics.. I said it!

William Wonder

Well-Known Member
I was the first to post about DWC online at CC, then at Overgrow in the mid to late 1990's. I called it water culture. About 1 month after I posted, others including Highgrade posted a pictorial using bubble buckets and nets. This caught wildfire because it was easy to understand and set-up for folks. However it's far from the best system. It's a real shame, because nets ruin roots and the water should be shallower.

I am in the process of moving but have taught many my method and given genetics so I can post some pics of a gals 2 tub grow. She will yield 1 pound of Cindy 99.25 Hybrid in 7 weeks with 2 weeks veg. Can somebody explain how to post pics here? Which reply do I use and how do I do it? You're gonna freak...I know it...LOL It's proof anyone can do it, it's her second grow.