I've been struck by pythium... Again!


Well-Known Member
i dont want to give up... but it's very discouraging :cuss: :wall:

now i guess i'm gonna try the beneficial bacteria route. can i thoroughly clean my system (airstones, 5gal cooler, hydroton, ect.) or do i have to start from scratch?

anyone with some input.. it would be greatly appreciated.. i'm pretty bummed out at the moment. even having trouble scoring some buds. FML!! :wall: lol

thanx in advance to anyone with some input


Well-Known Member
A disease of the plant, not just marijuana but a lot of other plants are susceptable. Recomended to pull up plant and throw away. This can be how devastating it is. What benificials are you using to combat it? Make sure previous control methods were selective in dealing with pythium as some are not.

My book says using h2o2 in the waterings can help but i have no knowledge of this in hydro. I see no reason why the sterilization shouldnt work, maybe the fungus is still living on in the airstone or somewhere. Good luck, this disease has devestated previous outdoor pea and tomato crops to the point where i didn't grow in the same patch of soil again.


Well-Known Member
i hadnt been using beneficials .. i just started out with a new system and added hygrozyme and dutch master gold zone as additives to my res. that obviously didnt work.. i'm guessing it was the hydroton. i used the same that was used in my 1st system. cleaned and sterilized them, but not using new hydroton was probably my mistake. this is like herpes on steroids. well, at least this time i caught it early. my previous attempt i was just about to flip to 12/12 before i was slimed. i've been eyeing up Great White as beneficials or even looking into brewing heisenbergs tea recipe for beneficials.


Well-Known Member
yeah.. new hydroton. and im gonna brew the tea, so hopefully it works out. i'm just worried about my system.. my 1st was an aeroponic system. bigtime noob mistakes.. like light leaks where my roots were hanging.. shaky res temps.. no air pump and airstone in the res. so i tried to simplify it and grow just one plant this time (last time grew 3). so i got a 5 gallon cooler and a 4 outlet air pump. zero light leaks, res temps between 60-68, added hygrozyme and DM gold zone and thought i'd be in good shape. but nope... got slimed again :(


Rebel From The North
you dont have to get new hydrotron just wash it good then bake it in the oven.

hydrozyme and dm zone is no good you need to use H202 and in extreme cases
use bleach.

29% H202 at 3ML to 7ML per gal every three days. the H202 works 85% of the time

plain uncented bleach use 7 eye drops per gal. every three days the bleach works 100% of the time

but teas work well to just alittle more prep and labour and can $ less.


Rebel From The North
All three methods work for affected plants or not, one thing about teas your problem will
Seem to get worse before it gets better. Bleach is the fastest way to solve the slime.