I've been browsing long enough, time to register

Feels weird writing an introduction when I feel like I've been a member of this forum for a while. Seems like everytime someone asks me a question about whatever i'm sending them here for their answers.
So, I figured I'd take 5 minutes out of my busy schedule (that's total horseshit btw) and make it official.

I live in the greenest place on Earth (Oregon), I grow but I don't smoke (other than to taste) so I'm a total weirdo but whatever. I use to smoke quite a bit but it started to not agree with me: anxiety attacks. :confused:

I design and sell home-grow systems for "card holders" and "others" locally and hope to open a "grow"store locally (as there aren't any) and maybe someday a dispensary (i'm only in it for the money, and fuck you DEA and my Federal Government).

I've also spent alot of time contacting foreign companies that produce industrial help seeds making contacts for seed import if the federal gov pulls their heads out of their ass and legalizes the production of industrial hemp (you can import it, but you can't produce it:shock: )

My state passed Legislative Bill 676 this year which makes it legal to produce industrial hemp as of Jan 1, 2010 but it's still illegal in the US....such a crock of shit.

anyways, I'll be glad to help all i can and answer any questions anyone may have. I'm a very sarcastic person and am also very blunt.
You design and sell home-grown systems? I think that's awesome. I love it when people are creative. Well welcome to the forum!
You design and sell home-grown systems? I think that's awesome. I love it when people are creative. Well welcome to the forum!
thanx, There's more design to what i do than sell. I'm really not doing it for money. I find great satisfaction in helping my fellow man while at the same time getting that rush for doing something that in my governments eyes it totally illegal :fire: