Iv got pics can you help please?


Active Member
becouse if def or od shows in big leaves its a a macronutrient, if it showa on little leaves ita a micronutrient problem.
maybe you have the plant too close to the lamp, thats why you are heating them up.


New Member
Glad you got the joke Max. To answer the question why people think N def start low in a plant. The entire plant is N def, not just the leaves that show the signs. Plants move N from the older leaves to the new growth areas where its needed. Older growth just happens to be in the lower regions of the plant. I agree some def can manifest themselves out of the ordinary. But in this case I am pretty certain from the pics its a P def. Could be caused by the simple lack of P or too much calcium or the use of too much ammonia nitrogen, hopefully he is not using baking soda as a pH adjuster. These things we cannot know until the OP gives us the rundown on his medium, nutes, water source ect.....


New Member
becouse if def or od shows in big leaves its a a macronutrient, if it showa on little leaves ita a micronutrient problem.
maybe you have the plant too close to the lamp, thats why you are heating them up.
I am not so sure about that. There are certain fans leaves that are sources and some that are sinks. But to use a leafs size to determine the def is a bit sketchy too me.