Iv got pics can you help please?


Active Member
One of my plants has started getting yellow leafs and the other one is fine but there not just yellow they have spots and only 24 days left till havest. I thought n def first so i gave them some fert but then i thought spider mites so i tryed neem and now i think k def. so really as you can probably tell i dont have a clue lol please help.

Picture 371.jpgPicture 372.jpgPicture 374.jpg



Well-Known Member
def looks like some heat stress, but you were right about the N you probably just didn't give them enough.. One feeding of nitrogen wouldn't stop the yellowing. You would have to get your levels up


Well-Known Member
your plants are sucking the nitrogen outta the fan leaves in order to produce new buds and bud leaves


Active Member
Iv started giving them n again but dont want to carry it on to long coz dont want to make it taste like shit when i harvest in 24 days from now. and the bud leaves on one of them are starting to yellow. how close to harvest can i give them n?


New Member
your plants are sucking the nitrogen outta the fan leaves in order to produce new buds and bud leaves
Happening awful high up in the plant, plus the veins are remaining green for the most part. Not dissing you Max, just dropping clues to help you continue too learn.:clap:


Well-Known Member
I just don't understand why people think that a N def can only start at the bottom? N is mobile so basically the plant can move it to and from wherever it wants.


Well-Known Member
And the reason I know this is because I had a strain that did the exact same thing, tried everything under the sun to fix it and just before i was about to give up I said fuck it and kept hitting them with a shitload of nitrogen and taaadaaa... not one single yellow leaf. I glad your wanting me to learn but I have been doing this full time for around 10 years so ive seen a thing or 2. I'm getting more into the biology part of plants now


Active Member
Thank for the link dude and all your guys help. I think I get it, the little side burns at the top of the plants are heat stress (witch is showing on bough plants and the yellowing leafs at the base and middle of the plants is n def. :) This is the best hobby. Just two more Q&As now that iv dropped my inside temp to a cold 25C and Iv lifted my light up a couple of inches, not to much (I am still growing with CFL lol). How close to harvest can I keep giving it fertilizer?

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
You got a magnesium deficiency going on there. Get some Cal/Mag into them. Nothing that will help the necrotic parts at this point, but it will regenerate new growth. Thats what these looked like about a month before I took the pics. I was able to stop the progression and they started new growth about a week after I added Cal/Mag.



Active Member
Picture 376.jpgPicture 375.jpgPicture 377.jpgsee im getting a bit of burning like that round the top but not as bad as that lol did you get really light yellow leaf around the middle as well or is this something else?


Active Member
Im growing autos at the mo so they grow normly to about 30cm to 90cm.

But if your growing regular plants when ever you run out of room or you feel its time.

mine are about 50cm