iv drip horse steroids vs baccon grease , who will win ?


Well-Known Member
I have these going into 2 different plants slow drip . we will see the winner very soon under led lighting . 1 plant horse steroids the other plant bacon grease very fresh , I think the steroids will win. we will see . both are being injected in the middle stem , 300_672392[1].jpgbacon lardons[1].jpgIntrocan1[1].jpgiv-bag-pic[1].jpg the bacon grease will be kept warm from the heat from the co2 generator . I was tempted to mix the 2 on a third plant problem is bacon is 6 bucks a pound here. :hump::hump:
next time ill combine the 2. update the steroid plant is having roid rage . it spit all its water at me and slapped me in the face with a branch .. it also killed a plant that was close to it . tore its roots right out of the soil ! must be hitting the steroids to hard ?? :blsmoke:
update ........ I had to shut the grow down . I came home and all I seen were police cars and atf agents !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. some how a plant got loose busted down a wall and busted out the window . the plant had ate a bunch of people , the plant was found near by at a pizza hut. it was eating all the bacon out of the shop. it took 4 police to shoot it dead. mean wile the steroid plant is just chilling there . I told my dogs to attack . finally my 150 pound dogs were able to get this plant under control . I was able to chop the stem by shooting hollow points into it a full 20 round clip form the glock . .......................................if you this this story is true then you should harvest after 24 hours of dark .for better potancy