Its time: First Grow Journal:LST,150 Watt HPS,and Daily Updates(cause I have no life)


New Member
Week 2: Nothing too new today guys. The leaves look pretty cool now. They are getting bigger by the day. I can only imagine what kind of work the root system is up to. I figure they got about a week, maybe week and half before I transplant them out of their cups and into their big ass pots. I am looking forward to only feeding them once every three or four days.

Here are some pictures



New Member
Mid-Week Update: These girls are getting big... I am definitely able to tell the difference from day to day. The fan leaves have gotten big and wide while a new set of leaves begins to spurt out of the center. Watered them good this morning and will prob water them again tomorrow night.

Here are the daily pics. How does it look?



New Member
Update Update Update - Transplanted!: So I was brushing my teeth about to go to sleep when I thought for the first time, "Wait, those cups are see-through; I hope the roots have not reached the outside yet." Of course I checked and they had just begun to reach the outside of the cup. This is when I made an executive decision to have emergency surgery on the girls and transplant them into their final place of growth.

Transplant: To start, I took a can of Chunky's and hollowed out a place for the can in the soil with my hand. I then gave the soil a thorough watering with plain, distilled water until there was light run off from all sides. I then slowly twisted the can out and it left a pretty good hole for my cup of soil. After that I had to cut away the plastic cup (I will use styrofoam cups from now on, plastic= pain in the ass!) and gently place the cup soil into the fresh pot soil. I honestly think there was minimal stress on these very volatile and delicate roots but this is my first grow so I wouldn't know what minimal is.

Hopefully they will grow big in their new home! I plan to start adding FFBB in a week or so... Let me know what you think!

Here are the pics



Well-Known Member
Questions: Can you clone in flower london frog? Also, when do you start to LST And what type string do you use?
you really want to clone before flower,but you can clone in flower ( only if you really really have to). The clone would then have to be returned back to veg and then start to root, which can be a pain in the azz and takes much longer...Just take some clone before you flower...
Far as LST just use something that won't cut into your plant when you start to tie her down..Starting would be a judgment called based on the growth of the plant..I've seen plants tied down as soon as they got two sets of true leaves ..others right after they are top..depends on you and what you looking for, but just give her a good couple of weeks of veg growth and then you will start to see how you would like to start tying that freak up :weed:.... do you have a fan gently blowing on them babies to promote strong main stem growth ????? Be sure to read up on LST so you will see just how you would like to do it


New Member
Yeah I guess I am just gonna hafta go ahead and construct a veg compartment in the bottom...

And yep I have a fan lightly blowing on them constantly.

I think I might go to the store and pick up one more cfl for light. I think that would be enough for vegging.'

Couple of Questions: 1) My Floralux 150w HPS comes with a protective glass panel between my hps bulb and the plants. Do you think that could interfere with the amount of Lumens the plants are getting?

2) I know where to find vegging (daylight/cool white) CFLs but where do you get flowering (warm white) CFL bulbs from? I don't think I saw any in Home Depot...


Well-Known Member
Yeah I guess I am just gonna hafta go ahead and construct a veg compartment in the bottom...

And yep I have a fan lightly blowing on them constantly.

I think I might go to the store and pick up one more cfl for light. I think that would be enough for vegging.'

Couple of Questions: 1) My Floralux 150w HPS comes with a protective glass panel between my hps bulb and the plants. Do you think that could interfere with the amount of Lumens the plants are getting?

2) I know where to find vegging (daylight/cool white) CFLs but where do you get flowering (warm white) CFL bulbs from? I don't think I saw any in Home Depot...
1. Yes that glass does bring down the lumen the plants get, but it also helps with heat..I would remove the glass and get a pc fan to hang to blow right across the bulb you would be surprise how well that works. You can rig a pc fan to just about any old battery charger then hang the pc fan right on the reflector to blow across bulb to reduce heat and not let heat build up.
2. hmmmmm home depot should have some warm/soft white cfls...hey check for bulbs that have 2700 kelvins thats warm/soft.. They might just have them with the kelvin number...check lowes..heck even check your grocery store..just look for warm or soft or 2700 kelvins ..all those are the same thing...

edit..don't forget Walmart


New Member
Daily Update: These ladies are loving life! I gave them another 42 watt CFL to play with during veg and they are def happy. They are a very beautiful dark shade of green and their second set of real leaves are in with more sets clearly on the way. I gotta say this has been pretty uneventful and hopefully things keep going very smoothly as they are now.

I gave them a good watering after 2 days dry. Trying not to overdue it with the love. Plan to start 1/4 strength nutes next week at the beginning of Week 3. This is when the tricky part starts. I will be flushing once a week with plain distilled water to keep the pH at a regular level. I also have a bag of dolomite lime, which is supposed to be a great pH neutralizer, to help keep pH at around 6.8. After about 2 or three more weeks flowering begins! Can't wait...

Anything I have forgotten? Thanks for the input/help everybody!


Keep up the good work bro! I'm def. subscrubing to this!

This is going to be my first time growing. I'm starting my grow room construction tomorrow. I want to yeild atleast 1lb. How many plants do you think that is? I'm still debating on if I should grow in soil or nft system.



New Member
thanks for the props dude. Always feels good when people appreciate your hard work. Stay tuned for more.

A pound?! That's alotta smoke. I wouldn't know how many plants it would take; since I'm small time and all. Let me know how it goes tho.


Well-Known Member
Hey guy if you used Fox Farm Ocean Forest for your medium ( soil ) you will not need any nutes until at least about 21 days..Believe me that stuff has enough..You start giving nutes now you are going to burn them baby roots..Just water when dry and talk to least wait until Nov 8 ( 21 days since they sprouted ) to start nute


New Member
Update: Week 2 End/Week 3 Beginning...

Today is the first day of week 3 and things are looking good so far. Their second full set of leaves are in and they look pretty sweet. I would write more but I am honestly so high I can't think straight.

Here are some pictures.


Well-Known Member
actually it has been only two weeks since they broke soil. they just really now just starting to veg ( transpanting kinda slowed it down to)...big veg growing about to begin...keep at it guy