Well-Known Member
your dating website info under the name "ginwilly" is publicly available on a google search, no joining necessary.
yes, it is your fault that you chose the same name on a dating website, poker website, and pot website, ginwilly.
people who are not idiots take the bare minimum step of protecting their identity a little better.
Hey POS scumbag. Any info you can find about me I would gladly tell in a PM if asked. That's not the point at all is it.
You joined a small poker site to stalk me, posted every bit of info about me you could find without my consent, then pretend it's my fault.
You are a broken person.
Well, she was drunk and flirty... POS scumbag
You can't even admit violating TOS here and not to mention the spirit of a site where like minded people gather to discuss an activity that is still illegal to most. In your mind it's my fault. What a lunatic psychotic piece of dung.