It's the end of the world! now what?!


New Member
23 ? is that one of those zeitgeist movies?

internets? Still looking for the meaning of the word logic. I'll help you it's spelled L O G I C...........


Active Member
Hi. Sorry, I didn't mean to be condescending to any one person, and what I posted was certainly not meant to be name calling. I did not assume you were a male or a female, I didn't think it mattered.

I'm not going to argue about the comment about reading more books than I ever could, because there is no point. Internet arguments serve no purpose other than frustrating all parties.

I could debate this... but honestly I have no time, and there are many issues here... social, political, cultural....

I just don't understand why anyone would think the world is coming to an end at a specific date. It doesn't make any sense. As for irreversible damage....? Damaged from what? If every human on the planet disappeared instantly, how long would it take the earth to "recover"? If you say "millions of years", I say... again that makes no sense.

If I wasn't clear (I'm finding hard to express what I mean to say in words), what is the pristine state of the earth? Like, if everything was perfect. That's right.... there is none! The earth runs on its on cycle, and no matter what we do, we're only a blink in it's existence.

I'll leave it at that for now... I might not reply again for a long time, I will be gone for a few weeks soon... so if you get no response, it's not me being ignorant.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
As for the irreversible damage...well, yeah, the earth is gonna need time to assimilate our plastics and crap back into the environment...there will still be pollution from us that anything that survived this supposed catastrophe might have to deal with, like animals and the like.
That being said, if you look at history, some group or another is always yelling about the end of the world coming in their lifetime, and how they are chosen to lead the survivors, blah blah...just translates to"Look at us, we're special!"News flash..if everyone is special, nobody is.
You will die, the earth will go on, until our star begins to die.Since it does not have enough mass to go supernova,it will become a red giant, engulf our little home, and burn off the atmosphere.Then, it will begin a series of expansions and contractions,shrugging off its outer shell,until it finally becomes a white dwarf.Guess what? You won't be here to see that.But there are plenty of examples in our universe of stars like our sun in their death throes.Don't be sad.The elements that made up our little corner of the universe will be reused,and new stars and planets will rise from our ashes.Since we are made of these elements, I guess that means we go on forever,doesn't it?:peace:


Well-Known Member
Personally i think people should be much more worried,in the first instance anyway,about the person next to them or themselves going insane virtually overnight.
If this planet does exist and passes close to us many,many people will become totally insane and i mean insane,Hannibal Lecter would have nothing on them:fire:
It has long been known and documented that the majority of total madness can be attributed to the moon,hence the word "Lunar Tic",lunatic.

I predict that if any of this is true the main thing to watch out for will be other people that have gone mad and not meteors or freak weather,just your neighbours or yourself:weed:


Well-Known Member
if i knew the end of the world was coming. id turn my whole house into a grow op , assuming i had enough time, and id use my sons mother as ferts.