It's snowing,HAD to harvest


Well-Known Member
So I made up my mind to pull my plant a couple days ago.So I went and chopped er' down this morning and started the trimmin'...I was so into it I wasn't paying attention to anything...suddenly looked out side and SHIIIIIIT...its snowing pretty hard....good timing :)...



Well-Known Member
It says its 0 degress celeuis right now but it keeps coming,I live about an hour straight north of its almost depressing! heh heh...


Well-Known Member
I"ll take a couple more pictures here in a bit its still coming down like crazy! I don't mind i wanna hit the slopes! :)


Active Member
haha yo we got snow like maddd crazy in markham... makes me wish i was still back in north york livin next to fairview mall :(


Well-Known Member
i'm in the same situation, snow in the forecast but i'm trying to wait it out. It should get back into the 50's.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone...i'm guessing that everyone in here is from i live in texas and me and my fiance want to move north. so i thought canada seeing that is beautiful and i love the snow. so my question is..where is a good place to move? and i mean job,low crime,and where i can grow in peace? let me know ASAP


Well-Known Member
oh yeah and in reasonable price. i can use all the help that i can get. don't want to move and not nowing where is the best place for us


Well-Known Member
i live about an hour north of the city like i said and its great for kids around here.I grew up here and have never hade any problems with crime...although i was about 13-14 by the time i took my first cab...pretty rural...that pic is my back yard although we're in a sub-division...


Well-Known Member
Thanks man.How much is a house usually run for,is there steady jobs in the area and like what? oh and how cold does it usually get there. i live in texas and where i lived it snowed about 4 years ago and that was the first time in about 100 years. but i love the snow. did mountain warfare training when i was in the Marines


Well-Known Member
well closer to the GTA is much better weather wise.Where i am we get A LOT of snow and bad houses in this sub-division are going for around $230,000 with an unfinished compared to T.O. where its probably almost twice that.Lots of ppl commute as I used to, the pay rates are better in the city but its expensive to live and play and prety hard to grow outside.Toronto is getting worse and worse for guns...a couple years ago was labeled "year of the gun" and I'm glad I don't live there.


Well-Known Member
gets to be like -30 with wind-chill and shit its pretty harsh sometimes...theres TONS of construction goin on around here too... Barrie,Ontario is the fastest growing community in the province.


Well-Known Member
-30C? With a wind chill.
Sure beats the -30F we see in Montana, without any wind!
-70F with a breeze!

I don't mind shrinkage, as long as it's not my buds doing the shrinking.


Well-Known Member
well its been known to be colder but not by much...but yea its cold enough for me here lol...on the other hand in the summer,its nice and toasty...30-40 degress celcuis,sometimes gotta quit work at noon its too damn hott!!(framing)....Just thought I'd post this,these little guys made it through the snow...just planted em' for the hell of it,its fall..:roll:



Active Member
-30C? With a wind chill.
Sure beats the -30F we see in Montana, without any wind!
-70F with a breeze!

I don't mind shrinkage, as long as it's not my buds doing the shrinking.

-30 here in Ontario is differant than -30 in the west... we have a lot of moisture in the air from the great lakes which makes it feel a lot colder. I know a lot of people who have lived out west and they say its a lot colder here because of this...kinda the opposite of summer.. because of the great lakes we have high humidity making it really hot. Any storm coming across the lakes in the winter picks up the moisture and we get a shitload of snow.


Well-Known Member
Yea shit gets crazy around here some winters..using the grill of my car as a plough,haha...the plant that i had to harvest cause of snow is dried up and curing but I got 22 grams dry...a lot more then I thought I was even gonna get!


Well-Known Member
-30 here in Ontario is differant than -30 in the west...
Lake effect, eh? Yeah, I grew up back East, around D.C. and it is a different kind of cold. For some reason tho, I breathe much better in that filthy air than I do up here in the Rockies. Probably due to some lung mutation caused by spending my first 20 years there.
You know what's funny? In home heating, humid air is warmer than dry.
That's half the reason folks run humidifiers.

Real decent weight. I was surprised, too.