It's not a plant once it's harvested...


Active Member
I mean, if you have a living plant, that is considered "growing at home", but if you harvest, it's only possession. Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Okay. Ponder me this. In my state it is legal to grow and possess. Yet vastly different limits on both. Is my hanging plant considered a plant or possession? Meaning hanging weight or actual bud wet. Net or profit thing. LMAO. The says we lose. Only realistic answer.


Well-Known Member
The wording of laws is very clear. The violation of the law isn't for " growing at home"; it's for "manufacturing a controlled substance" (or something similar). Obviousely, if you are in possession of freshly cut buds, you are in the process of manufacturing. The bigger question is - are you doing it for personal use or with the intent to sell?


Well-Known Member
The wording of laws is very clear. The violation of the law isn't for " growing at home"; it's for "manufacturing a controlled substance" (or something similar). Obviousely, if you are in possession of freshly cut buds, you are in the process of manufacturing. The bigger question is - are you doing it for personal use or with the intent to sell?
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