It's New Yars Eve


New Member
Geez Sunny, I didn't know the grocery store was such a dangerous place.

Once we had a blizzard here and people were stealing loaves of bread out of other peoples carts. Funny shit.


Well-Known Member
I think everybody is on edge....The grocery store was filled to the brim with assholes. I never argue or fight while I am shopping, it is one of my 'happy' things to do. But, shit, when I said "Excuse Me" to just get by the fight, and then the one woman called me 'Trailer Trash' ....I lost it. I really started to think, hmmmm I am going to hit her right in the nose, but instead I called her a cunt and told her if she got in my face I would make it very memorable for her....She knew, I meant it! Oh well, I guess to each their own.....just don't involve me.

I am going to rip on a bong and start cooking! God, I hope I don't have to go back to the store....

Emerald Isles

Active Member
Happy new yars from ireland guy's, love the site and everyone here, sitting at home chilling and plan to get stonneeeed so badly, can't wait for 2009, has to be better than the one we are leaving lol


New Member
I don't think you could pay me to go to the store today and it's only a block away. I'll avoid it like the plague. Every holiday is like the apocolypse there.


Well-Known Member
I am having a very laid back stoner New Years Eve....Loads of food (the reason for the store visit, ugh) and plenty of herb....the sad part is that it will only be me and my brother n law! We will still have fun.


New Member
It's just going to be me, hubby, daughter and maybe daughters sort of boyfriend. Nice and quiet, maybe we'll fire up the old police scanner and see who's getting caught doing what tonight.

Hell I might even dust off the Jenga

Emerald Isles

Active Member
HI Misshestermoffitt, 4:16 mins and counting, my kids are with there mother so decided to do this one alone, can't be bothered with all the hassel, seems like you have a plesent evening planed with the family....


New Member
It's not quite 2 pm here, so I've got 10 hours, hell I'm going to be asleep when the new year gets here.

Last year we were all "Happy New Year" at midnight, as we turned off lights and headed towards bed. We barely stayed awake.

Emerald Isles

Active Member
i'll make mid-night but that about it, send the kids some texts and hit the sack, off up the country early tomorrow, friends are waiting for there christmas presents, juicy ppp and loads of it ha-ha .... do you find you smoke 10 times as much when your on your own,


New Member
It depends really, on what I'm doing. If I'm just sitting here at the computer I smoke a lot more, but if I'm trying to do housework, it's one or two hits then chores, few hits later, more chores. Wow, I'm depressing myself. :wink:

Top 44

Well-Known Member
Geez, I was at the store as well, no fights but lots of dickheads. I guess New Yars is the same the world over.

Emerald Isles

Active Member
ha-ha, i'm for ever making them it seems like, was watering the babies earlier and one fell from my ear, suffice to say i immediately consumed it with a big grin, been over at mums over the christmas and since i've returned on monday i've been none stop, easy 14grams lol


New Member
I wish Sunny would have whipped out her phone and took a video of the fight, I'd have liked to laugh at that. Oh well, it's hard to remember those things at the time.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I don't think you could pay me to go to the store today and it's only a block away. I'll avoid it like the plague. Every holiday is like the apocolypse there.

That's how I feel about spring break. Different schools take it at different times so we get the spring breakers here for a whole month. I always plan ahead: Food for a month...CHECK.... All errands completed... CHECK. Then I hole up in my house for the entire month.

I'm trying to recall when I went from being one of the party animals to an old fart complaining about the party animals... but it's been so many years now I don't remember when it happened


New Member
it's an overnight transition FL girl. One day I was a partier, the next day, no more. It's strange, my husband and I woke up one day to discover that we were middle aged. We don't know how or when it happened.

Some Master Kush is on it's way to my house :clap: :clap: :clap: Yay !!!


Active Member
Yes... It's new years eve and i have am backed and loaded for a new year. Fire up a spliff and watch 2009 roll in!