its my understanding that one you cant remove buds from a plant more then 3 times ?


Well-Known Member
i'm not sure if i can really help you
do you mean regeneration?
I just read a cool thread somewhere about basically unlimited regeneration.
I think the idea is, you flower, harvest the top 2/3 of the plant, and then re-veg the bottom 1/3 of the plant.

anyway, somebody around here knows more about this stuff, do a search!


Well-Known Member
ty :D it will cycle again if you trim it back & set it back on 17 hours but its not the fastest way to :leaf::weed:cycle


Well-Known Member
hehe yea its true its an awsome trick to ensure that u have a female. its kinda like cloning but u dont have to have a whole hydro kit to do it.

all u have to do is grow it all the way to harvest, pick the bulky budds and cut the plant down about 1/3 of the way up the stemm from the soil. cut it right above a strong node. put the plant back into a 24 hour light on schedual for about 2 weeks minimum to revert the plant back to vegitative growth. if u feal like putting it on a 18/6 schedual like normal after that u can or u can just leave it on 24 till flowering.

grow it like normal and all the way through flowering and then harvest and repeat it all again.

one thing about this is that alot of the times your second and third harvests will be bigger becaus when u cut the top off 2 grow back. so ur yeald basicaly has the potential to double if u take care of it right.

good luck and hope i helped

peace and happy growing!


Well-Known Member
I heard that kill them as they`d have no sleep time
plants dont really even need sleep time while they are in vegetative growth, you can have it on 24/7 all the way up to the 12/12 flowering schedual, it is actualy alot better of a way to veg them, and it increases overall yeald in the end.

when plants are in sunlight they grow theyre roots, not theyre leaves, stems, ect. and when the lights go out the plant uses the stored energy in the roots to grow the plant, if u keep it in light constantly, the roots are booming with unused saved energy. the plants take about a week to really take off into the flowering but after that they fuckin blow up with bud sites.:weed:


Well-Known Member
The reason the standard limit on a reveg is usually talked about as being 3 times is due to issues related to being root bound, root rot, ph level going way off, nutrient deficiencies and any other issue you can imagine with the roots after a long life. At some point for whatever reason there will be a point of diminishing returns where you're just better off starting with new plants again. How well you take care of them, what media they're in, pot size limts, etc all play into how long you can realistically expect to keep that up.