Its me again, time for some more fine tuning :)


Hey all

This forum is so helpful, but darn it, made so many modifications to my plans lately :)
Basically I want to grow to support my smoking - So I am after a yeild of about 6-8oz every 8 weeks. I also need a realitively cheap start up option. I am hoping for some more help with me ideas :)
Over the last two days my "stealthy" "low cost start-up" plans have slowly and slowly been getting bigger and more expensive. As I am growing 3-4plants I understand that I need a 3*3foot space for the yeild im looking for and that height isnt much of a factor as I can LST or SCROG the plants.
I am now considering some sort of perpetual harvest system with no more than four plants flowering at one time and a plant/harvest every two weeks.
Now if I use the traditional mother plant method, I would need at least two grow spaces - if the clones were kept in the same space as the mother.

My first question is - Am I correct in assuming that I could use one space if growing an autoflower variety as the light cycle would always be the same?

MY second question is - If I dont want to SCROG / LST the plants - what height would may grow space have to be at a minimum?

My third question is - The basic guide I read recommends about 2 40w CFL bulbs per plant - which would result in 6-8 bulbs for me (she states that anymore than this isnt cost effective). Is there any way to cut the number of bulbs down still using CFL? And surely using a HPS bulb with be more cost effective to run?

My fourth question is - the 3*3foot space for 3-4plants was based on each plant provding 2oz dried bud (sorry cant remember the bulb rating that was recommended also - But I think it was a 400w HPS). If for example I only wanted one oz per plant could I half the grow space?

Thanks for everyone who has read this, the people that have answered and all the people on this forum that have helped me so far

Happy Toking


first question- yes for a perpetual autfolower harvest only one grow box is necissary, however if autoflowers you cannot clone so that leaves two options. contiously buy seeds which is pricey( but if you stop purchasing medicine its a small cost in the long run) or end up building a seperate box to make your own sees. option 2 requires the box to only be up for a minimal time, as one dedicated plant for seeds will produce more than you will ever need to grow in the life of the box. i myself considered to do this just to gather 100s of autoflower seeds and practice a little johny appleseeding method in the summer. with no intent to gather any rather just make the attempt to make the world a little bit stress free :)

question two- the answer to that can greatly vary based on genetics, medium, lighting, etc. but i believe please dont quote that the average auto should get no more than 3 feet untrained. however i just ordered a short stuff super auto cali haze and the grow reviews say quite the opposite for that.

question 3- sorry not to familiar with cfl. but my basic understanding of autoflowe is that since its lifespan is already determined the more the lumen the greater your final yield. once again with no longer purchasing medicine at street value (400 oz) electric cost arent a concern. im running 800watt in light so figure 1000watt with fan and other stuff. my electric bill runs roughly 100 month. i can turn out roughly 6-8 happy autoflowers for 200 in electric, thats a fair trade off even if i low end yield oz per plant dry.

question 4- i think the answer to your question can be pictured like a teeter totter. if you choose to have more plants each plant yields less. less plants = bigger plants. so smaller plants would be preferred if you are looking for variety on a weekly basis. however ive been warned on attempting to grow multiple strains at once ant the complications that arise.


Thanks for the answer cascian! I read through the link you posted in the other thread and I was very impressed.
So if I want an oz- two oz per plant I cant go any smaller than 3*3

hmmm its starting to seem like my main goals for growing along with my restrictions cant be done for the moment. Oh well I can always move :P

In the morning once I have slept I am going to try and work out how much total running /intial set up cost are versus my smoking costs are. If this isnt viable due to my current situation I think its time to settle for a PC LST/SCROG system.


Well-Known Member
a PC grow is not going to be worth it, you will still be buying bud. a 3x3 tent should be fine for 4 plants at a time...toss in a 600w HPS and you got yourself a nice little setup.

like stated above if you do auto's seeds will get expensive so a seperate veg tent might be a bette roption as 1 seeds can be cloned into thousands of plants.

32x32 tent is around 80 bucks. a 600w HPS is around 160 bucks, fan is about 30 bucks. those are your main equipment purchases. a order of some quality genetics will run about 50-80 bucks (small order) you will get freebies in there as well to mess aorund with.

then you have ducting, containers, soil, nutes, clamps, propogator (for clones), a small veg setup and a couple CFL (this can be made for under 40 bucks).....and the list can go on...i think i covered the essentials.

the problem with growing is its a hobby as well as a way to save soem money on buying medicine. but like any hobby to do it right it takes a investment, after a while with this hobby the investment pays itself off. small stealth PC grows are just a waste of money and if your smoking an Oz a week it will pay itself off in no time.

that being said. i doubt your going to pull 8 oz from a 3x3 tent and a 600w light at first. i can be done but its going to take some fine tuning and some $$. remember you get what you pay for, go cheap and your end product quality as well as quanity will pay the price.

do yourself a favor, save up around 600 bucks and invest it in a decent tent and setup. in the meantime do your homework. you can also find complete grow setups on craigslist from people who invested and failed.

good luck on your journey man, this is a addictive hobby and once you start you may never be able to stop :)


Hey Retiredmatthebrute

thanks for the informed reply. I realized last night that I wont be able to get the yeild I want and still keep it stealthy. I am doing what your suggesting and saving cash and investing in a decent system.

I realize that a PC grow is going to be a crap yeild, However if I cannot grow my desired amounts I am going to start with a PC grow for a learning experience (also as its low cost to run) and hopefully once I have me desired set up, I will be a little expericenced if any problems arise.