It's Killing My High...


New Member
All the negative bull shit going around is killing my high.

Instead of constantly complaining about what you don't like. Think about what this place is supposed to be. Fun - Friendly - Mature not somewhere to insult people and act like 15 year old kids. In my opinion someone is only trying to help keep it that way! Maybe it could be done differently?

I do think that some shit should change though. Deleting and locking entire threads is the same as censorship to me but thats just my opinion. What I do know is that if you delete a thread that is very important to many respected people on RIU there will definitely be some serious preclusions and complaints.

Either way people should stop complaining all the time. Everything I see is depressing at best.

Smoke A Bowl!!!


While I agree with you, maybe try your own advice :] I don't mean that in a rude way, just a suggestion


Well-Known Member
Trouble is RIU is a website,,,,,All Websites crave and need traffic to stay alive. So we can extrapolate from that the reasons we have so many 15 yr old mentalities around here. Its always the same in the world.....The few totally fuck it up for the rest. Was going to start yet another thread as a tribute to Stoned Pony but hell whats the point some asshat will just get it closed.


Well-Known Member
Trouble is RIU is a website,,,,,All Websites crave and need traffic to stay alive. So we can extrapolate from that the reasons we have so many 15 yr old mentalities around here. Its always the same in the world.....The few totally fuck it up for the rest. Was going to start yet another thread as a tribute to Stoned Pony but hell whats the point some asshat will just get it closed.
if people bothered to show me the least bit of respect i might even monitor it for you.

good luck.


The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
The problem here is that not enough people act as their own QC here. So many folks just churn out the drivel and BS, regardless or not if it makes sense, or rather if it is even factually correct.