Its fucking raining in the Bay. Doesnt this suck!


Well-Known Member
God damnit its fucking raing hella bad. I still have a ton of plants in the ground, the majority of my yield.

I'm so fucking mad right now i hope all my shit doesnt turn to mold.

If the plants only got soaked for a few days will they get mold pretty moldy???

How fast does it start to grow after the buds have gotten wet????


Well-Known Member
Too many "if's", to give you a straight answer. Some strains can be soaked daily with no problems. Others will mold with just a couple cloudy days!

Good luck bro, this is why I built the carport



Yeah it rained pretty good this evening where I live, still is at the moment. I have my plant in a pot and all I had to do was move it about 10 feet into the shed so no worries about mold. :)


Well-Known Member
Just like every harvest season in the bay area, exciting for buds to finish although nerve racking with our first rains that come sept/oct time. I've been already finding mold spots on my plants for the last 4 wks. This is why I will never grow anything that isn't mold resistent. It simply isn't worth dealing with buds that are prone to mold when there are so many that are mold resistant. I'm already looking forward to next season with some sweet purple, rox, and swiss cheese. So long for mold!!!!


Well-Known Member
Cheese is made out of mold ? :lol:

Hey OP didn't you watch the weather and know it was coming ? :wall:


Well-Known Member
Hey man, go to the depot and get some pvc and plastic sheeting and cover them.
Bet you could do it in a day. I made a small 8 by 12 for like $35

We got more rain comming.


Active Member
Yeah it rained pretty good this evening where I live, still is at the moment. I have my plant in a pot and all I had to do was move it about 10 feet into the shed so no worries about mold. :)
Smart ass in every crowd ;) The moral of this story... the bigger the grow, the more the pain in the a$$. Feel for ya man. Hope for the best. I would put every fan I owned and could borrow in my patch if I were you. Most mine are in the shed hanging and I still worry about the high RH. Only a couple still out in the elements for another couple weeks... uggh


Well-Known Member
I didn't check the weather because Im a typical stoner.

But I did cover them completely today so hopefully even though they got soaked today they will dry out and be ok.


Well-Known Member
Just cover your plants with painters plastic from home depot and stake it into the ground with a stick on all sides making sure air can still get to the plant... you should be good that way


Well-Known Member
havent had problems with mold until about a week ago, and now its been raining for a week, i eyeballed the shit outta my plants yesterday and found a few more mold spots, cut out the moldy buds, hung up what was salvagable, suprisingly it wasnt to bad for a weeks worth of rain, had to cut apart my nicest cola which sucked, i have around 9-16 days left on them and come tomorrow it supposed to be nothing but sun for a week plus, good luck with ur problem, and watch the weather channel, i always turn to it a few times a day, it helps to know whats gonna happen


Well-Known Member
Well the plants made it throught the storm.

Little bit of mold growing on the more denser strains but hopefully i can keep in under contol by cutting it out.


Well-Known Member
cut it out ASAP. otherwise, it will spread.

thus concludes the full extent of my knowledge after doing this for the first time (in oregon, where rain and mold abounds).


Well-Known Member
I feel your pain. I cut about 3 weeks early because the mold was eating me alive. I have mine covered but the constant 80% humidity was killing them. I'm in the Portland area and rain is all we have on the forecast for another 10 days (even if the sun shows up for a few hours the RH is 80%). Next year I will be looking for auto and mold resistent strains only. My first grow, lessons learned. GOOD LUCK!!!!

