It's Class Warfare Alright.


Well-Known Member
yesterday jon stewart pointed out one of republicans most nefarious arguments:

raising taxes on the top tier of earners will 'only' raise 700 billion dollars over the next 10 years. so it's not worth it b/c its just a drop in the ocean, a grain of sand in the sahara, it just won't do much for the debt. that's the republican spin on it.

but when talking about cutting services, you could cut a WHOPPING 1 million from the national endowment of the arts, a MASSIVE 1.2 million from NPR...

'broaden the tax base' is a big one too. this is frank lunz at his best. broaden the tax base is just code for taxing the poor more. hello?? i mean a whopping 99.6% of poor people have refrigerators... psssst!!! how dare they...

it's not like 100% of rich people have 3 refrigerators, AND a wine cellar.... wait...

he points out that the 50% of poor people who don't pay taxes only own around 2% of the total value of the economy. or 1.4 trillion dollars. let's just take half.

that'll be a whopping 700 billion dollars!!!! sound familiar??? that's exactly what could be raised by returning tax rates for the ULTRA RICH to 1990s levels. and the economy was BOOMING....

but no. republicans seem to be fixated on the idea that it's class warfare ONLY when trying to make 2% of the population pay more.

when it's taking from 50% of the population, or 'the poor', it's broadening the tax base, and it's GOOD for the ecomony.

it's class warfare alright.... and if we let republicans get their way the POOR, who are defined as a family of 4 who make less than 22thousand per year, will be the ones to really suffer...

the rich won't suffer by paying more taxes... they might not get that government handout to buy a private jet, but at least they'll still have their bentleys....



Well-Known Member
i like JS. he does make good points and he did point how the media even fox news was ignoring all of RP's ass whoopings at the debate


Well-Known Member
yesterday jon stewart pointed out one of republicans most nefarious arguments:

raising taxes on the top tier of earners will 'only' raise 700 billion dollars over the next 10 years. so it's not worth it b/c its just a drop in the ocean, a grain of sand in the sahara, it just won't do much for the debt. that's the republican spin on it.

but when talking about cutting services, you could cut a WHOPPING 1 million from the national endowment of the arts, a MASSIVE 1.2 million from NPR...

'broaden the tax base' is a big one too. this is frank lunz at his best. broaden the tax base is just code for taxing the poor more. hello?? i mean a whopping 99.6% of poor people have refrigerators... psssst!!! how dare they...

it's not like 100% of rich people have 3 refrigerators, AND a wine cellar.... wait...

he points out that the 50% of poor people who don't pay taxes only own around 2% of the total value of the economy. or 1.4 trillion dollars. let's just take half.

that'll be a whopping 700 billion dollars!!!! sound familiar??? that's exactly what could be raised by returning tax rates for the ULTRA RICH to 1990s levels. and the economy was BOOMING....

but no. republicans seem to be fixated on the idea that it's class warfare ONLY when trying to make 2% of the population pay more.

when it's taking from 50% of the population, or 'the poor', it's broadening the tax base, and it's GOOD for the ecomony.

it's class warfare alright.... and if we let republicans get their way the POOR, who are defined as a family of 4 who make less than 22thousand per year, will be the ones to really suffer...

the rich won't suffer by paying more taxes... they might not get that government handout to buy a private jet, but at least they'll still have their bentleys....


Well I'm sure the odumbass way will be the best way. Stimlus 300 billion dollars to give the unions their money back and to work on infurstrucure @ $250,000 per job. Same with giving illegals a way to citizenship, free HC, free edcuation, free,free,free. Also there are less millioners than in 2008 Break out your wallet and pay for a wasteful government that wants to see the country FAIL if you feel froggy. As of yet I have not heard 1 rep say raise taxes on any body. Maybe I should start watching some of the fuckup lying shows you watch.


Well-Known Member
dude, im an American citizen born and raised, but where i live, there are so many illegals that it aint funny and these bastards children get everything for free! It is fucking stupid and frustrating to see these assholes abusing the system... they should fucking kick them all out and make America America again, where only Americans are able to get free shit...

Well I'm sure the odumbass way will be the best way. Stimlus 300 billion dollars to give the unions their money back and to work on infurstrucure @ $250,000 per job. Same with giving illegals a way to citizenship, free HC, free edcuation, free,free,free. Also there are less millioners than in 2008 Break out your wallet and pay for a wasteful government that wants to see the country FAIL if you feel froggy. As of yet I have not heard 1 rep say raise taxes on any body. Maybe I should start watching some of the fuckup lying shows you watch.


Well-Known Member


click on the second lil video on the right.
World of Class Warfare - Warren Buffett vs. Wealthy Conservatives


Well-Known Member
Its a ridiculous assertion for sure. Instead what they should do is cut all services 100% temporarily until the deficit is at ZERO and the Budget is balanced. But it won't ever happen, instead we will inflate to stupid.


Well-Known Member
i agree with buffet. we should stop coddling the super rich, they're not creating jobs, so why coddle them????


Well-Known Member
That's strange, everything I've heard from the "terrorist" conservative politicians is NO TAX INCREASES, for anyone.

But I digress, so if we simply increase the taxes on the well off AND expand the tax base, we don't need to reduce spending at all, problem solved... everyone just needs to pay a little more for all these wonderfully fair and necessary government programs. All aboard the Socialism express, next stop Europe.

Or we could reduce our budget back to 1999 levels and everyone gets to keep more of their hard earned money.

It's always laughable when meme and the other liberal shmucks talk about how much revenue we've lost because of the Bush tax cuts... as if it was the government's money in the first place and was somehow shortchanged in the deal. It's a perpetual argument, if we raised taxes on the well off by 7%, then we've still LOST revenue because we could have raised it by 14% and so on and so on and so on... how much revenue have we lost by the bottom 51% paying NO Federal income taxes, let me guess, zero because it would hurt the economy. Yeah, it's not spending that's the problem... it's taxes being too low.



Well-Known Member
yeah, it is not raising taxes. it is BROADENING THE TAX BASE.

it's not just liberal shmucks, it's one of the most successful capitalists in history.....

jeff f

New Member


click on the second lil video on the right.
World of Class Warfare - Warren Buffett vs. Wealthy Conservatives
please tell me you are not this dumb?

citizen A has no job.....doesnt pay taxes.....gets food worth to govt....negative $1200/month

citizen B has a job...pays taxes.....gets no worth to the govt....45% of what he makes.

citizen B hires citizen A at his lucrative garbage business.

citizen A now has job.....pays taxes....gets a little less in worth to the govt $1.

i just expanded the tax base.

are crayons really necessary for you?

jeff f

New Member
i agree with buffet. we should stop coddling the super rich, they're not creating jobs, so why coddle them????
coddle them? dont you mean extort them? or maybe steal their hard earned money? or how about take their private property? or take their shit and give it to me? isnt that what you really mean?

jeff f

New Member
That's strange, everything I've heard from the "terrorist" conservative politicians is NO TAX INCREASES, for anyone.

But I digress, so if we simply increase the taxes on the well off AND expand the tax base, we don't need to reduce spending at all, problem solved... everyone just needs to pay a little more for all these wonderfully fair and necessary government programs. All aboard the Socialism express, next stop Europe.

Or we could reduce our budget back to 1999 levels and everyone gets to keep more of their hard earned money.

It's always laughable when meme and the other liberal shmucks talk about how much revenue we've lost because of the Bush tax cuts... as if it was the government's money in the first place and was somehow shortchanged in the deal. It's a perpetual argument, if we raised taxes on the well off by 7%, then we've still LOST revenue because we could have raised it by 14% and so on and so on and so on... how much revenue have we lost by the bottom 51% paying NO Federal income taxes, let me guess, zero because it would hurt the economy. Yeah, it's not spending that's the problem... it's taxes being too low.

preach on brother!

another thing i love from the dolts is the use of the term windfall profit. which really means money that got dropped in your lap with no significant effort on your part.

the only company that earns windfalls is the govt. they dont have to do a damn thing except take it!

but you know loco, we just arent smart enough to understand the "multipliers" of economic theory.


Well-Known Member
coddle them? don't you mean extort them? or maybe steal their hard earned money? or how about take their private property? or take their shit and give it to me? isn't that what you really mean?
no, what they mean is take all their shit and give it to the government. those super-rich assholes everyone keeps complaining about already give billions back to their communities and they do it willingly, it's called charity and it's something the wealthy and conservatives in general know a great deal about. this isn't about giving to people, it's about funding a wasteful bureaucracy. it's about perpetuating the myth that the welfare state is an integral and necessary part of society and that its upkeep is the primary duty of the state.


Well-Known Member
thats a lot of food stamps!!!!

please tell me you are not this dumb?

citizen A has no job.....doesnt pay taxes.....gets food worth to govt....negative $1200/month

citizen B has a job...pays taxes.....gets no worth to the govt....45% of what he makes.

citizen B hires citizen A at his lucrative garbage business.

citizen A now has job.....pays taxes....gets a little less in worth to the govt $1.

i just expanded the tax base.

are crayons really necessary for you?