It's back Silk Road 2.0


Well-Known Member

Ross William Ulbricht was a physics major. As I stated before, I seriously doubt he had the skills to code the road.

Anyone got the .onion location?

Here's hoping a new aircraft carrier has been launched by our side in the war on drugs.

For every one of us you arrest another ten will take their place, and in the end you will tire of it first.


Well-Known Member
I haven't been paying attention to it. I know there is sheep and bmr and people have been getting product the whole time.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, but I'm lazy and the whole point of progress is to not duplicate our efforts.

Sheep and BMR have kind of limited choices on some things. If all you want is weed, coke, acid, dmt, heroin, opium, nbomes, mdma, methlyone, hash, escaline, AMT, Jwh, Shrooms, mda, mdai dpt, dipt, Oxy, 4-MEC, Meth, fentanyl, diazapams, norquil and a few things like that it's ok.


Well-Known Member
I am super nervous about a silk road 2.0

I think I will let others test the water on that one.....

is it just me that thinks leo would do something like a silk road 2.0?


Well-Known Member
yea this seems odd to me because when I went to the website a week maybe 2 ago it said it had been seized by the fbi so I would definitely be cautious of that


Well-Known Member
Now I see why law enforcement has such an easy time nabbing some folks! whoa how ignorant can one be? Why even take the chance that the place is safe? How can anyone with common sense see this as a good idea? just sayin mang kinda sketch if ya ask me, they get popped, then whammo less than three -four months later there up and running again? yeah im good! Have fun kids!


Well-Known Member
Now I see why law enforcement has such an easy time nabbing some folks! whoa how ignorant can one be? Why even take the chance that the place is safe? How can anyone with common sense see this as a good idea? just sayin mang kinda sketch if ya ask me, they get popped, then whammo less than three -four months later there up and running again? yeah im good! Have fun kids!
So long as buyers watch their backs and take precautions they should be pretty safe. What surprises me is the number of vendors who didn't even change names. I understand a good rep is important but keeping the man guessing is more important IMO.
Mail order drugs are the oldest form of ecommerce and while hard and fast statistics aren't available it appears to be pretty safe. It seems like the vendors getting popped are getting popped because of old fashioned detective work and the fact that everyone makes mistakes. Someone should really get on inventing a perfect drug dealing robot.


Well-Known Member
Imp..I knew a girl in highschool that fell for that dumb shit!! you bought an entire gram of raw lsd from BMR? What crystal?
like mentioned above, its nice to have the same name cause you can find repeat qualities and business deals. with that said, rory, i get a pretty good deal on it, but it is a pretty penny i'll say that.

comes out to about 1.50 a tab to me... been cheaper lately, with bitcoin and all :P