It's About Fucking Time

Sara Saw It

Active Member
Congratulations. It seems like it something you really want.

And what everyone expects. But, aren't you a little tired of chasing the almighty dollar? I ask because I am.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Congratulations. It seems like it something you really want.

And what everyone expects. But, aren't you a little tired of chasing the almighty dollar? I ask because I am.
I have two elderly parents to care for, one of them terminal, and I have no income. I really really need this.

Matt Rize

conrats on the new job. much respect for taking care of your elders.
my clairvoyance is seeing you will have multiple windows going on multiple screens, possibly not all work related. :mrgreen: okay maybe not this many.



Well-Known Member
Congrats on the job Carne! I may have to go back to cooking peanuts. The pay sucks, but you gotta do what you gotta do.