It's a muslim tradition to build a mosque at the site of a great victory.


Well-Known Member
there's already a mosque near ground zero.
don't see why the new one is garnering so much attention. i guess it ok for our soldiers to fight beside muslims, but if they want to practice their rights here they're doing something ruthless. there's a mosque in the pentagon too, why didn't anyone object to that?


Well-Known Member
WOW...pitch forks n shovels....cant believe their doing this..cant believe their doing it and i cant believe the prez spoke out in support of it. he should have said nothing and let them do it or spoken out against it and stopped them.


Well-Known Member
there's already a mosque near ground zero.
don't see why the new one is garnering so much attention. i guess it ok for our soldiers to fight beside muslims, but if they want to practice their rights here they're doing something ruthless. there's a mosque in the pentagon too, why didn't anyone object to that?
Exactly, all the uproar is only being brought up for political gains in upcoming elections.


Well-Known Member
Do I still have this right or does it only apply to certain people , groups , or points of view?
As an American, you do. You are also free to use sarcasm, it is dually noted, but others are entitled to their points of view even if they oppose yours.


Well-Known Member
let them build it and then blow it up
Best first post ever lol

Do I still have this right or does it only apply to certain people , groups , or points of view?
Of course you do, that's how I get away with flipping off cops as I drive by. First amendment is the bestestestestestest.

On the subject of the topic... who cares, it's a fuckin' church. Let them build one on every corner like a Starbucks for all I care.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Who cares honestly.. Its not like all muslims are extremists, its honestly ignorant to think that. Christians have done much worse, IE Dropping not one, but two atomic bombs on Japan...

Btw your government is really more of an enemy then muslims are.. Whether people want to buy into conspiracy or not, most people can agree that our government does ALOT of shady shit..


Well-Known Member
I can't believe all the talk about not letting them build it, seems unamerican. its private property, the puritans came to this country for religious freedom, (one that was too strict for england I might add)
seems anti-american to not allow someone to build a church on private land, seems unamerican to try and change the 14th amendment, seems unamerican to criticize a president (and I don't like the guy) for speaking up for preserving the rights of ameriicans to freely choose.

A lot of anti-american sentiment by supposed americans..


Well-Known Member
seriously dude, i don't know if that’s a joke but I thought it was matt parker and trey stone for the first min. or so.. lol

"i don’t have much of a problem with Muslims. but a mosque at g zero is going to far. "
and I reply with "I don't mind black people, but next door is to close"


Big P

Well-Known Member
there's already a mosque near ground zero.
don't see why the new one is garnering so much attention. i guess it ok for our soldiers to fight beside muslims, but if they want to practice their rights here they're doing something ruthless. there's a mosque in the pentagon too, why didn't anyone object to that?
you got it backwards my friend, you should ask your self why do they want to build a mosque 3 blocks from ground zero that will tower over ground zero when they arleady have one 12 blocks away? whats they matter they cant walk the extra 9 blocks in 5 min? these people are laughing at us trust me.

that to me proves its all to shove thier thumb in our eye.

trust me its a fact im an arab though not a muslim, athiest. im not saying they do not have a right to do it, and im not saying we should take away that right. im saying we should screem loud and hard and piss and shit on thier faces for being so audastic

imagine how much the muslims would screem bloody murder if we wanted to build a huge 13 story towering church right next to the muslim killing fields over in eastern europe where thousands of muslim boys and men were murdered in cold blood by the christians!

i hate to say it but they are asking for it if they do build it. it will be bombed by american fanatics and there will be more terror and more war for the future you can bank on that.

Big P

Well-Known Member
theres a reason why all boys throw fists, and its because the ones that didnt are not here as thier genetics could not survive in this dog eat dog world. the only people who survive and spread thier jeans are the strongest. not the ones who are "right"

Big P

Well-Known Member
Who cares honestly.. Its not like all muslims are extremists, its honestly ignorant to think that. Christians have done much worse, IE Dropping not one, but two atomic bombs on Japan...

Btw your government is really more of an enemy then muslims are.. Whether people want to buy into conspiracy or not, most people can agree that our government does ALOT of shady shit..

half of you guys wouldnt even be hear if those bombs were not droped on japan. and possibly an extra million american boys would have died to end that war without those bombs. and all of you who had grandparents in the war or even around that time would have been drafted and killed, allowing your mothers sissters and brothers and father to never have existed including you.

so who are you to tell those people they dont didnt deserve to live and the japs in those cities did?

its amazing to me, there can never be one team. there will always be people who dont agree and they will always fight. because only the fighters survive,

people are so comfortable these days they have no clue but when the shit hits the fan an your government turns into somthing like saddams, you will probably die of just fright

and i garanfuckin t if you or you loved one was the one set to die in the invasion of japan you would of said lets fry these crazy japs who attacked us. havent heard a peep out of them since :D