...really glad you touched this subject. I ran Big Bud for a couple years, had consistent performance the whole while, until I was cursed with powdery mildew, which nearly wipped out my whole garden. Long story short, the Big Bud recovered after the battle. Once I got cuttings from her and the flowering was done....the finished product did not taste nothing of the normal, but I kept growing her, only to get the same nasty taste harvest after harvest... everything seemed normal during the grows and the bud was still potent.
After doing some lazy research, I was convinced (at the time) that the strain has grown past its maturity or the PM took a toll. I kind'a feel as though I came to that conclusion too soon, and should've (maybe) consulted someone with experience in that area....I since have killed off the stain, and its left me with a guilty conscience....like I left my best friend to die in battle.

....I've ordered more seeds since, but still haven't found a pheno of her that performs the same as my origional.
...do you think the pm was responsible even though the mother had recovered?....or can a plant fully recover from a PM attack?
...Glad to know that the "past maturity" hype, is just that, hype.