It’s a crime: How Private Prison Companies Encourage Mass Incarceration

Check this. I just got out of Saginaw correctional facility Mi. Totally a rat joint. But any way two of the three years I was there, it was 50/50 the first year it was all white. So Michigan is cracking down on whites. Mostly meth charges lol. I'm not raceist, I think everyone is guilty
more of a trap then a point. watch this.

@Rob Roy abraham lincoln was a great president who freed the slaves.

Let's divide your statement into parts.

He was a racist power monger and I dare say there were no "great presidents", but he did "emancipate" the slaves.

Here's a cookie for you...

Like when mike brown was murdered by darren wilson and blacks started robbing all the houses in the area where they were rioting and shooting at each other. cuz the cops is why I robbed my elderly neighbor! Makes sense when you realize that you actually don't care about saving black lives.

your narrative is not factual though. there were more blacks out guarding businesses than there were looters.


your shit trolling is shitty, shithead.
well i live here and you live in colorado. so I'm just gonna put it out there that you don't what happened.

yeah, it's not like i watched the people who live there posting to twitter about how blacks were guarding stores and businesses while police just sat and did nothing. that's all just a conspiracy. your racist narrative is the one we should go with because you claim (unverified completely) to live there.

dumb fuck.
yeah, it's not like i watched the people who live there posting to twitter about how blacks were guarding stores and businesses while police just sat and did nothing. that's all just a conspiracy. your racist narrative is the one we should go with because you claim (unverified completely) to live there.

dumb fuck.
"Contributed by an activist going by "Haiku Unsung Hero," these unedited clips show the current climate of protestors against police in Ferguson, MO for the killing of Michael Brown."

pretty crazy I have his mixtape that he gave me. Lmfao it's not a racist narrative it's what is happening. Like it would be racist to ignore that there are a lot of very deep issues that are holding them back. Some are because of racism over the years some are brought upon themselves. But to say that they aren't committing violent crime at rates higher than everyone else is willful ignorance. I hate what is going on within the community the vast majority of my friends are black they are great people that contribute to society like the vast majority of people in general. But i'm not gonna sit here and pretend a majority black neighborhood is as safe as a majority white neighborhood because of p.c reasons.
Hey buck last friday one of my black friends was telling me about how Hitler was a great man. I told him that's crazy but he also believes in flat earth soooooo