lol i dont own a shift key, i just choose not to capitalize random words because i have no need to emphasize any of them, however you do misinterpret like all of my posts so anything you call me really doesnt matter, to you im a communist

i cant begin to explain whats wrong with your reasoning, or lack thereof, but ill continue my attempt to communicate with someone such as yourself. theres a certain limit really to how much one should be payed compared to those that work their ass off and get barely any benefits, someone like you wouldnt see the appeal in this because you never were a hard worker(you cant even make it in a country of opportunity like america), im guessing thats why you cant get out of that shit hole you call mexico, be on welfare for a week or so, then find yourself a job and get back on your feet. if anything, you should be pushing for socialism, look what country your in because you cannot afford the standard of living in our so called great country, but who is to blame? socialists? you seem to be a victim of capitalism, yet your so set on the fact that america has to be capitalistic. if you did get on welfare, you make the decision whether to be a burden to society, you can either remain on welfare or actually do something to re-contribute, but you choose to stay far away from... how would i say it, "YOUR" country(once again, i dont see why you emphasize the words you do, they make just as little sense to me when you leave them lowercase, seeing as you fled the country for mexico yet claim america is your country). and i take my name being apt as a compliment, sir. everyones a little crazy, you can deny that all you want... and everything i said in the first post you so horribly misinterpreted, you took about 1/4 of my post and somehow bitched about it, i didnt even say i preferred communism, yet you continued to say "since you want communism so bad go to north korea", dont forget china is coming up behind us, and do they believe in capitalism? didnt think so, Mr Arrogant.