it SHALL begin!


Active Member
Alrighty guys and gals; :-P

Seeds arrived sooner than expected from The Attitude, 5 days! WOW. I have yet to receive my soil from Amazon. Went with Roots Organics Potting Soil and the 5ML Master Pack. bought 2 of them.

Master Pack: Roots Organics - Player & Master Packs

What do you guys think of this??

Also, going with Superoots Air Pots from Calgrowers, 3.4gal: Air-Pot 3.4 gal

first time grower and im using my closet space (25 square feet). went with a 600 watt digital ballast: Metal Halide for Vegetating and HPS for flowering. thinking of buying another Grow Light Set to go both MH and HPS for both Vegetating and Flowering. 1200 watts total.

Want to start off with 3 seeds then go with some Clones after the Veg.

6-7 plants in total.
(not very likely, i know.)

So my question is: What would be the best way to germinate my babies??
Since im growing in organic soil, should i just germinate them on the soil to avoid any stress during transplanting?

or the moist paper towel method? Any other methods?

Also, should i use some CFL's to start off the growth, or go balls deep with my HID off the back?

any good advice from soil growers will be greatly appreciated.

Going to set up my closet with mylar and white plastic for floor.

will post pics up soon.

very excited.

Thanx in advance for all replies.

Sincerely: SAMMY


Well-Known Member
Root Shooters for seeds. Buy and follow instructions. The paper towel bit is totally unnecessary although I do it. But wet it and forget it and kiss your seeds goodbye. Nature drops them onto soil. Try arguing with that. CFL is great for seedlings. Place close but read more. 23 watt CFL is good for one plant in my opinion.

Remember this -go big to grow big. Meaning containers, lights, fans, ventilation lines. You did not mention air so you best start reading before seeding. Everybody thinks "seeds, nutes, lights and soil". Many more think of the air to cool the lights but think about both. Think air first, light second and humidity control. AIR FIRST! A closet- think about it.

Good luck. KISS! Keep us posted and have fun.


New Member
My biggest worry in that space with one or two 600s and up to seven plants(too many IMO) is ventilation. You are going to need a lot of it. A lot coming in and even more going out. And it needs somewhere to go. And if smell is an issue you need a carbon filter.

100% germination using the p towel method.

T5HO lights are best for seedlings and early veg.

Nice pots but $5 fabrics work just as well.

Good Luck. And post results.


Active Member
Wow; Thanks for the quick replies. And YES! Ventilation is my biggest concern. I live in a family owned 3 flat apartment. I have the 3rd floor all by myself, so the ceiling leads straight to the rooftop. No one ever goes up there. EVER! so i'm planning on drilling two holes: In and Out. Need to figure this out ASAP! I don't think smell will be a problem, but then again, who am i kidding? So yes, carbon filter is a must. I bough Ryan Riley's Growing Elite Marijuana package for $57 bucks online. Hell of a fucken' read. Lots of info. But i do love and appreciate a dialogue between cultivating comrades.

I will look into Root Shooters. never heard of them. But then again, who CAN argue with nature? Drop in soil??? We'll see.

Thanks a bunch guys.
