it s all gone horribly wrong, just wish i knew why?


she was fine this morning, an hour later and she,d wilted right over and has yellow blotches another hour and her once strong branch's were jelly :( she was a strange one to begin with, didn't like nutes and grew much quicker than her sisters she also took ages to start flowering and when she did start her hairs and bud were tiny.

cheers for any input

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Was anything done such as watering etc prior to this sudden turn for the worse. Not many environmental things would cause a plant to so rapidly fall to pieces.
I wouldn't do anything drastic and without more details about your setup, schedules, and other details I can only guess but that isn't going to help. I will say that after a lot of immediate stress like watering, leaf or root trimming, or foliage nutrient application they can wilt rapidly but it's usually temporary. One thing for sure, you cannot do anything to fix it and make it rebound faster. Good ventilation, low humidity, and time will tell.


DSCF4053.jpgDSCF4052.jpgDSCF4057.jpgDSCF4051.jpgDSCF4055.jpgDSCF4056.jpgDSCF4058.jpgit was in a oxi pot under a 400w spudnik in a 110 x 65 x 180 grow tent and in a SCroG net Ph kept at 5.6-5.8. i changed her nutes yesterday as she doesn't like strong nutes i gave her 2ml per L of advanced nutrients micro and bloom, 1ml per L of grow and 5ml per L of revive to try and stop her curling this came to just 900ppm but any more and she curls after just an hour. she seemed to have perked up before lights out and seemed fine this morning till around 11am then BAM! she starts getting yellow betweeen her viens and wilting. i'm affraid to say shes now just a heap on top of her bubbler :(,i gave her a flush to just ph'd water. her to associates are doing ok though at 1300ppm just started getting hairs after probably 2weeks 12/12 ones stunted the other tall and thin. any one else had trouble with ghs lemon skunk before? trying to up load pics



oh and the tent is very well ventilated and temps normally around 25c, tent had been open a while in pic.


i mix 11L of solution then drain there buckets and refill with the fresh, they're un submerged for about 10 min maximum.

Fire One Up

Active Member
pulling the water out pulls fresh air in on the roots, so the drain wouldn't be anything but good for them.
I'm guessing here, but I'd assume if it happened to me that I either over juiced her or didn't mix the neuts properly and caused the lockout before it got there.
that just sucks man :( I wish she'd have given you more time to do something about it


me to she went from 3ft to 6in in about 4 hours. i use a pump to transfer the nutes and i had to use both ph up and down cos i got a bit carried away. all 3 have been strange. thinking of going soil/autoflower next time.

p.s. can i repost this thread in another forum some how?

Fire One Up

Active Member
I'd just work them into heavy feeding a little less vigorously. If you condition a plant to heavy nutrients it can handle living in such a rich environment, but at your transition from veg to flower you want to cut back to half your flower mix after the transition and work the plant back up to a higher ppm slowly. Too high of a jump causes stress, and stress is always a setback while the plant recoups.
The bonus I find in hydro is if anything bad happens I can immediately rinse my plant, dilute her food, and put her back in. Then I just wait for her to perk up and thrive again and see if I can help her along with a little more food.


The other two ( stretch and dwarf ) are at 1100 at the mo and just starting to produce small hairs but are looking healthy. Its my first grow and think the scrog was a bad idea using 3 separate oxi's. Nft maybe easier for scrog