It may be time to call it a day


Well-Known Member
Swear down, i really feel that i am gonna stop smoking weed very soon if shit doesnt pick up...

im in LDN and recently all i been getting is shit weed, maybe a OZ of some mids every other week, and the worst thing is, THE PRICES ARE THEFUCKING SAME!!!

Today i got a OZ of some food that burnt hard and smelt like match sticks when you light the spliff, so i sent it back to the guy and never paid. after that i got a Half O (to be on the safe side) of some weed dat is completely white and is definately contaminted - the white ting has been going around forso long now its unbelievable - Ijust cant bring myself to so much as rol a spliff of it.

The only decent smoke i get is when the cheese guy comes fru, but u know how long growing takes!!!!!

The best thing i got to smoke recently was some blue cheese my mate brought me back from dam and it just made me think about this shit....

well thats my rant done, anyone else experiencing this.......


New Member
I live in the uk and i refuse to pay for weed, outright refuse, its a pile of garbage for too much money, thats why i started growing my own, but even then it comes to a halt eventually and you can't do that no more because someone doesn't like you doing it.

I understand you completely bro, is 40-45 a q really worth the shit you get back for it, going back to the old days when hash was more expensive at least it was good hash, then the price of hash came down. Back then you got weed and you got skunk, weed was weed and was slightly more pricey than the soap and then you got skunk which you paid 10 per gram or if someone had the quantity you got a henry for 20, half o's back then were pretty much unheard of unless you were dealing.

ah the good ole days, bit of goldseal or redseal, haven't had any of that in ages


Well-Known Member
I live in the uk and i refuse to pay for weed, outright refuse, its a pile of garbage for too much money, thats why i started growing my own, but even then it comes to a halt eventually and you can't do that no more because someone doesn't like you doing it.

I understand you completely bro, is 40-45 a q really worth the shit you get back for it, going back to the old days when hash was more expensive at least it was good hash, then the price of hash came down. Back then you got weed and you got skunk, weed was weed and was slightly more pricey than the soap and then you got skunk which you paid 10 per gram or if someone had the quantity you got a henry for 20, half o's back then were pretty much unheard of unless you were dealing.

ah the good ole days, bit of goldseal or redseal, haven't had any of that in ages

I used to buy QB's of Fluffy stinky SKUNk for £250 now i get a OZ of some shit for £140!!!!WTF!!!!!!

Another thing, I have lost faith in growing. its done my nut. the first plant i did went well no problems was female everything. since thenive planted 5 Lowryder #2 Seeds which i got from seedsman only 2 sprouted and both were male FFS!!!


Well-Known Member
Bummer folks. Sounds like even our bad weed here in Oz is as good as your mid-range. I should stop bitching when I get onto a bit of seedy bush in the off season. We have an off season over here in Summertime for a while. Usually only for outdoor grown weed though. Summer bud is pretty shithouse. Other than that, the indoor wed we get is usually good quality. But then, I have nothing to compare it to as the only imported weed that I know was imported was some Thai Buddha sticks and some Afghani hash I had back in the eighties.

Price rises since I started smoking 30+ years ago have got to me though. Once I could buy a five finger bag of good bud for $30 Australian (over an ounce).
Now, good bud costs an average of $15 a GRAM. Anywhere from $150 an Oz for average bush bud to $400 for really good indoor or hydro grown bud.


Well-Known Member
If I was in the UK I'd be taking those cheap flights to Amsterdam all the time. In 2000 it cost us 10 quid to fly from East Midlamds to Schipol, that's hard to beat. Even then it was hard to find weed on the street that was worth smoking, soapbar and that shite was all we could find until we got across to A-dam.


Well-Known Member
here in south us weve been having a drought for years, first 2 years i was here anytime i needed it was just a phone call away, 30 min later and i was high, but now its a lot of bullshit wait and i cant get it till next week and blah blah blah, well i cant wait till next fucking week because i need it to see lol =(

theyve been busting a lot of shit down this way and i dont see it stopping any time soon, hence my reattempt at a garden for myself and my friend who also uses it for MS, although i havent told her about it, keeping the #1 rule in mind, i figure ill just take her some as a gift when it done ;D...

dam what was the point of my post? oh yea pricey, shitty weed that takes forever to depressed =(


Well-Known Member
Hey man, I was in the EXACT same situation as you. Where I live you pay out the ass for weed and the stuff smokes like shit. I was so tired of paying good prices and praying that each time it would be better. Maybe 1 of 4 purchases were *mediocre*. While I love to smoke I just couldn't justify the price. (note: I think my local prices are on the high end of what people pay in the US)

So, I was telling my friend that I wasn't going to smoke anymore, he suggested that I grow some of my bagseeds. Well, I'm still technically in my first grow but I haven't paid more than $20 bucks in the last 2 months. When my grow does finish it'll pay for itself.

I know you said you were having problems growing, but if you get a female and clone her you know you'll be good to go.